Bleeeeh... The ending was nice but everything else just disgusted me for some reason.

What Ever! September 27, 2016 8:11 am

The ending was nice but everything else just disgusted me for some reason.

    PaperHaniBani September 27, 2016 3:33 pm

    was it because Yasu did with his collagues once? LOL I guess that's the reason it disgusted me too.. (Not to sounds offense) it's like something like one night stand is something so casual, and ppl can laugh it off and then they end with someone else after that, that make me realized, Is it the real adult world ? Am I too naive or what? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    What Ever! September 27, 2016 6:07 pm
    was it because Yasu did with his collagues once? LOL I guess that's the reason it disgusted me too.. (Not to sounds offense) it's like something like one night stand is something so casual, and ppl can laugh i... PaperHaniBani

    That's partly thereason for my disgust, he also said he kinda knew the Seme was in love with him which makes his character a lot less likable since he just went and did something that would hurt his friend and said it like it was nothing... disgusting. If he had done it because he wanted to and felt good after doing it, fine, I don't like it but I get that but he regrettedit.