I really liked that story !

Yona6 July 15, 2021 1:34 pm

I know that the uke being annoying was one of the reasons why a lot of people stopped reading the story, but for me it made me like it even more.

I like to see human characters, I mean, in a lot of stories, the characters are lovable, great but honestly not really realistic. We have a perfect little couple, and the problems often come from the outside, and when the characters overcome the problem, they are happy, and the end.

Here we have deeper characters in my opinion, and even if he annoyed me a lot by moments, I really loved the uke because we see his bad and good traits, and it makes him so more human, just like other characters.

I dont know why, we all did some mistakes, or we acted cowardly, because of our past or our doubts, but paradoxically, we don't like to see characters being flawed in fictional stories or do the same ?

So that's really one of the reasons I loved this story so much. Because characters aren't saints, or evils, they commit mistakes, and Or makes me feel closed to the characters.

This is just my own opinion, but really not disappointed, now, just waiting to see baby Byul having his own story (⌒▽⌒)

    AnonymousReader July 15, 2021 11:34 pm

    Agreed. I actually didn't find any character unlikable do it's weird seeing all these hate comments ( ̄∇ ̄")