But johan :(((

Fuck off July 15, 2021 9:00 am

But johann tho?? I thought he was the ml lolol since he was her fiance before she went back in time. I rlly was rooting for him. i dont mind her ending up with the brother tho but im kinda uncomfortable with that thought. Maybe if they just fostered her and not literally adopted her, i would be much more comfortable with the situation? Or maybe if she didnt actually grew up with them ever since she was 7? Also to all the people that said "iF yOu dOnt LikE iT thEn jUsT dRop iT, whY poSt hEre thAt yoU donT liKe iT whEn iT waS alReady oBv thAt thE brOtheR iS goNna eNd uP wiTh heR" like bruh, ever heard of opinion and criticism? This is a public comment section and people have dif views on every story. So maybe just don't read the comment section if you're so pressed in everyone here having different opinions in what they read.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MeloNelo3 July 15, 2021 11:47 am

    I don’t agree with you re the ship but I’m 110% agree with you on the purpose of a discussion board.

    So anyway—they didn’t live together as long as she had with Johann, remember? Their parents died and they lived apart for much of their adolescence.

    Jiophone2 July 15, 2021 2:42 pm

    Exactly. Like I would have understood if they didn't regard each other as siblings atleast. But since kids they both thought of each other as brother and sister. It's just too wierd to me.

    Fuck off July 16, 2021 1:55 am
    I don’t agree with you re the ship but I’m 110% agree with you on the purpose of a discussion board. So anyway—they didn’t live together as long as she had with Johann, remember? Their parents died and ... MeloNelo3

    Yeah it was mentioned that she lived with them together for 2 years and they were apart for 6 years. Thats one of the reason why im also fine them ending up together. Since technically they didnt rlly grew up together. But its the thought that made me uncomfortable. Like @jiophone2 said, they thought of each other as siblings since they were kids.

    Fuck off July 16, 2021 1:55 am

    Anyways in the end, its just a fiction so eh its okay ig lololol

    MeloNelo3 July 16, 2021 4:37 am
    Yeah it was mentioned that she lived with them together for 2 years and they were apart for 6 years. Thats one of the reason why im also fine them ending up together. Since technically they didnt rlly grew up t... Fuck off

    Meh I think they felt a strong tie to her and claimed her as an Ernst and their sister to (1) protect her from those conniving relatives that wanted to send her to an orphanage and her own fears of being alone/unwanted in this world and (2) because they loved her but only knew of the platonic love of family and wanted to salvage that after the parents’ deaths BUT if u reread it I think there are little hints from the beginning that they also had conflicting feelings about her (not platonic) but naturally not understanding that