... would be so interesting had it been shounen ai... oh well.

Babo July 15, 2021 7:24 am

... would be so interesting had it been shounen ai... oh well.

    Nin March 29, 2024 7:09 pm

    LOL, so if it's straight romance it's terrible but BL/Shounen ai is so much greater? Why do fujoshis have to be so negative and hate straight romance so much? Fujoshis are such haters.

    Babo March 30, 2024 6:37 am
    LOL, so if it's straight romance it's terrible but BL/Shounen ai is so much greater? Why do fujoshis have to be so negative and hate straight romance so much? Fujoshis are such haters. Nin

    Well, hey, good day to you too...

    First of all, yes, i prefer BL so obviously for me, it's "so much greater".

    Second of all, notice that I didnt say: "you people should stop reading and enjoying this!" I merely expressed an opinion that was clearly based on only my specific preference. Grow up and realize there are people that have different preference than you. Same w the idea that your SO would probably find you attractive (i hope) but there will also be people who think youre so hedious and they wouldnt touch you with a 10 ft pole, let alone getting together w you.

    Third... of all, this advice is out of my concern for you but read more so you can work on your nonexistent critical thinking and comprehension skill. If what you infer from my comment is "him being so negative and hate" and not that I'm merely being disappointed, then you may struggle graduating middle school.

    Fourth... of all, im a guy


    Nin April 1, 2024 10:21 pm
    Well, hey, good day to you too...First of all, yes, i prefer BL so obviously for me, it's "so much greater". Second of all, notice that I didnt say: "you people should stop reading and enjoying this!" I merely ... Babo

    LOL, english isn't my first language, I know 4 languages. I should have said "greater" instead of "much greater". Unfortunately for you I graduated university and didn't struggle graduating middle school. What's with the random ad hominem attack? You wrote: " there will also be people who think youre so hedious and they wouldnt touch you with a 10 ft pole, let alone getting together w you".

    You don't even know how I look like, typical of a gay guy to be jealous of attractive young women. Reminds me of the stories of the 80's AIDS epidemic and lesbian nurses volunteered to help gay guys but the gay guys were very hateful and antagonistic towards the lesbians because they were women. The most misogynistic people out there are gay guys, just look at Milo Yiannopoulos.

    Very hypocritical to say "Grow up and realize there are people that have different preference than you" when you spewed so much hatred, YOU are the one who is closed-minded. Just because I pointed out the phenomenon of fujoshis/fundashis going on random straight romance manga pages and commenting stupid, hateful stuff like "Too bad it's not gay/yaoi", "It would have been better if the story wasn't changed with the exception of being a gay/yaoi romance and not straight romance". A good story is a good story, end of story. I don't care if it's BL, GL, straight etc. I just want a good story.

    Btw, I have created lists on mangago and quite a good chunk of my lists are BL/yaoi manga series so you can't claim I'm homophobic/anti-gay etc. so just stop with your stupid comments. You sound like a total loser.

    Babo April 1, 2024 11:42 pm


    scubbadubba July 23, 2024 11:07 pm
    LOL, english isn't my first language, I know 4 languages. I should have said "greater" instead of "much greater". Unfortunately for you I graduated university and didn't struggle graduating middle school. What'... Nin

    don't bother w em. if they won't read a story bc it's not a certain pairing, it's just another story they don't read, no matter how good it is. those without these judgements/preferences can enjoy it by ourselves ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Nin July 24, 2024 10:31 pm
    don't bother w em. if they won't read a story bc it's not a certain pairing, it's just another story they don't read, no matter how good it is. those without these judgements/preferences can enjoy it by ourselv... scubbadubba

    Yeah, that guy was weird and it's clear he has a lot of insecurities and also ignorance that he has to work on.

    Babo July 25, 2024 7:38 am
    Yeah, that guy was weird and it's clear he has a lot of insecurities and also ignorance that he has to work on. Nin

    Totally!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Yurpperss August 8, 2024 10:30 am

    Ik I’m late but as a BL reader you don’t need to comment this

    Nin August 9, 2024 8:07 pm
    Totally!! (▰˘◡˘▰) Babo

    Passive aggressive bitchy gay guy, typical.

    Babo August 9, 2024 10:34 pm
    Passive aggressive bitchy gay guy, typical. Nin
