Aside from your spelling, we clicked this knowing the fact that you guys were gonna start saying this dj was good or something. Which is why we came here to tell yall off. Stop supporting pedophilia and stop saying this was a ship. youre a disgusting human being with no purpose to live except for supporting pedophilia. You should start focusing on reality and get a reality check. Actually start learning about proper grammar and then you can start fighting on the internet.

I dnt spprt pedophilia at all wen it comes to reality *ahh sorry complete words to make u get it....
When it comes to reality I don't support pedophilia at all!!!Anime and reality are two different things You're getting the wrong idea!! And I'm sure most of the people here who liked it after reading it does not either..this manga is only for peeps out there who ships gojo and itadori...if it is a popular ship and you're concerned about it, it just means that you are also a disgusting human being just like u labelled me ... And if u still don't get me you please go take grammer classes..

Broo theres no way you sended this shit to me without re-reading this. Aint no way. So you're telling me that if i find this so called "ship" concerning then im also in the wrong? Stop tryna justify pedophilia man. It wont and will never be a ship. Second i actually have a lot of reasons why im calling you a pedophile too if you dont know already.. You sound so disgusting in these comments and its literally disgusting seeing how you act in these comments. And fix your grammar and spelling when you speak to me. Lay your head down for me and get a reality check later bozo

I'm begging you and everyone else here to google shouta hentaiAs an intelligent being with a brain, you can decide that although a 17 year old is technically a minor by only one year, it isn't even relatively close to pedophilic. If it's the morality of the consent of a younger man/older man that you're talking about than that is actually a different issue that has to do with morals, not a pedophillia issue regarding the depiction of individuals who undoubtably resemble small children.

This is you and @whaaaa!!! trashing each others grammar lmao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Fy3-IBxh0
yall bitches are weird as shit. tryna justify pedophilia even if its just "drawing" weirdasses. tryna normalize the sexualization of minors. saying why "did u click if youre gonna hate", boi shut the fuck up. dumbshit weirdass jjk stans. bet some of yall fetishize mlm. call me toxic or some shit but at least i aint tryna justify pedophilia not like some of yall headasses.