Proud and Disappointed

narutolvr September 25, 2016 8:14 pm

I'm really happy to hear that Junko-sensei's getting an anime. After years of producing quality works, it's great that she can finally get recognized. But why is she being recognized for (what I consider) her most mediocre work? This isn't an issue of yaoi vs shoujo either, but character and plot depth. Where she put in time and effort to shape her MC's and and use the character development to develop the romance in the yaoi, I find that the characters are just being dragged along by the generic shoujo plot in this one.

Honestly, the only defining characteristic about this heroine seems to be the fact that she's a fujoshi. And that's just not enough to keep a story interesting for 40+ chapters. At this point, I just want her to hurry up and pick someone for this series to end. But, once she realizes her feelings, I'm sure some ex of some sort is going to enter the picture and blah blah blah and I just don't want to see talent reduced to producing that kind of drivel. Ugh, it's so sad to see an author who can produce such high calibre works, receive praise for a work that takes out so much of her unique flourish. But congrats anyway, Junko-sensei.

    lenalena September 25, 2016 10:39 pm

    As a writer, I wonder how she feels. I would feel pretty bumped that the shallow work gets the attention. But maybe she still has fun writing/drawing it.