I've said it before and I'll say it again, those who feel disgusted about their relationsh...

Diana09 July 15, 2021 12:38 am

I've said it before and I'll say it again, those who feel disgusted about their relationship just drop this manga instead of complaining about it here. I'm tired of seeing the same type of comments. No one is forcing you to read this you know.

    AnimeGirl July 15, 2021 2:15 am
    fuck the readers then can skip over and their fucking weird Uniqual

    Lmao then what are you if not a reader too? A fucking mule? This was a stupid reply. You should've just said that you don't agree.

    NOIR606 July 15, 2021 2:20 am
    Mad where? I don’t get mad over dumb shit like that. Second, I don’t care about creating a chain. A comment section is created to express how you feel about the content you’re consuming and I’m just usi... Iatemydoorlastweek

    Just like no one is forcing you to read this manwha. A comment section isn’t for someone to spout shit out of their mouth repeatedly, that’s for sure. These aren’t opinions, this is just pure hate and stupidness. I have absolute 0 care in how you feel. But to you, it seems to be the opposite. You come on and respond first all like, “oh leave us to talk shit ughhh why can’t I just not be hated in for once in my life”. You’re completely right though. We can’t take a different opinion and we can totally ignore everything. There’s just one thing. It’s a little hypocritical if you ask me. You guys do everything first, we just say to stop and shut the fuck up for once and you go on a complete riot. If you would like, I can stop proving you wrong and do something more productive. Just take a hint that you’re a self hating cunt that goes and hates on everything and everyone in life and, guess what, shut up.

    yassou July 15, 2021 2:37 am
    Bro let people express their distaste. What that gotta do with you? The comment section doesn’t always have to be praises bruh. Like just let ppl express how they feel about the manhwa. Iatemydoorlastweek

    But the main point of thé story Is their romance , people been hating on their love before it's even Begin so i do belive that if they are as uncomfrotable as they make it seem just Don't read it's juste not for you

    yassou July 15, 2021 2:37 am
    Bro let people express their distaste. What that gotta do with you? The comment section doesn’t always have to be praises bruh. Like just let ppl express how they feel about the manhwa. Iatemydoorlastweek

    But the main point of thé story Is their romance , people been hating on their love before it's even Begin so i do belive that if they are as uncomfrotable as they make it seem just Don't read it's juste not for you

    Iatemydoorlastweek July 15, 2021 2:40 am
    Just like no one is forcing you to read this manwha. A comment section isn’t for someone to spout shit out of their mouth repeatedly, that’s for sure. These aren’t opinions, this is just pure hate and stu... NOIR606

    PWAHAHAHA then im the mad one?? Hate on what exactly? So if i understand clearly, your mad cause multiple people share similar opinions and since you spend so much time in the comment section it looks repetitive to you? Well it aint my fault if you let that get to you, that’s all on you. It seems to me like you do care cause here yall are complaining about it. And give me one valid reason why i would listen to some bitch whining on internet and let that same bitch tell me what I’m supposed to comment?? I do whatever tf i want. You got a problem with that? That’s your problem not mine. Pls you’re so mad and for what? This is honestly so stupid. Don’t dictate what I’m supposed to comment.

    hentaimilf July 15, 2021 2:51 am

    everyone under this thread shutup challenge ! whats with u mangago mfs not being able to handle criticism, its not like they were hating on the story ? its not like they were fucking insulting the story right ? “iF u dOnT lIke It tHeN dR-“ how abt u stfu and let ppl express their likes/dislikes about a story..she shared her discomfort and opinion in a polite and genuine way, yet yall still on her ass for what ? why cant yall let people express themselves ? noo its not like the comment section is a public space where EVERYONE CAN COMMENT WHAT THEY WANTnot every story is going to get praised, not everyone will like everything about a certain story. get that through y’all’s goddamn smooth ass brains mfs . and their point is valid ! js, if the queen was a KING, a man, and tita was a girl, much more people would’ve agreed …as much as i hate to say this.. and dont come at me w the “wHy aRe YoU mAkInG ThiS AbOuT GeNdEr Bs” bc we all know its true lmfao..thats all ty for coming to my ted talk

    hentaimilf July 15, 2021 2:57 am
    everyone under this thread shutup challenge ! whats with u mangago mfs not being able to handle criticism, its not like they were hating on the story ? its not like they were fucking insulting the story right ?... hentaimilf

    by she, i meant “people” i first commented this under the wrong comment and just copy pasted alright…

    NOIR606 July 15, 2021 2:58 am
    PWAHAHAHA then im the mad one?? Hate on what exactly? So if i understand clearly, your mad cause multiple people share similar opinions and since you spend so much time in the comment section it looks repetitiv... Iatemydoorlastweek

    Uh oh, someone get some help for this person. Looks like they're so stressed and angry they’re super close to passing out. Lol this is the one and only time I decide to look at this comment section. Well I did a couple times before honestly in the first few chapters when no one was a wild complaining dumb dog like you are. If you scroll down, just a fewwww couple times, it’s literally the same thing with the same stupid and pitiful people again ,ha, just like you. Oh I’m not telling you what to comment. I’m just telling you to save yourself some embarrassment and shut up. Well, looks like it doesn’t matter anymore though. To the point where even I feel bad for you. You’re not worth me having a problem with you, as well. You’re just ill mannered and a terrible hypocrite. Yes exactly, this and you are stupid. I’m not complaining about nothing you see, I’m simply just calling you out on doing the very same things you don’t like seeing. I won’t dictate on what you’re supposed to comment haha but I will say that your rabid mouth should be closed to do a service for all of us. “PWAHAHAHA” have a nice day.

    hentaimilf July 15, 2021 3:03 am
    PWAHAHAHA then im the mad one?? Hate on what exactly? So if i understand clearly, your mad cause multiple people share similar opinions and since you spend so much time in the comment section it looks repetitiv... Iatemydoorlastweek


    NOIR606 July 15, 2021 3:17 am
    everyone under this thread shutup challenge ! whats with u mangago mfs not being able to handle criticism, its not like they were hating on the story ? its not like they were fucking insulting the story right ?... hentaimilf

    One dumb ted talk and another dumb person coming in. I’m sorry I just had to laugh at the part where you said it’s not like anyone is hating on the story nor insulting it when that is EXACTLY what they were doing. How? Well Tita being the ml is apart of the plot and the plot is well, the story. This is a normal routine where some angry haters come and comment, then we supporters of the manwha say go away you’re annoying, shut up, then they get so insulted they go and have a wild party ranting about simply stupidness. Just like not every story will get praised, it’s just like not everyone will get away with spitting shit out of their mouths. Expressing themselves??? They can go do that on some spiritual, religious site. This is a fucking manwha for godssake we don’t need angry self loathers to come and spread their anger everywhere else. They all know they’ll get shit on, it’s all for attention. They don’t get enough attention in the real world so they go and try online. It’s not just people saying bye I don’t like this manwha I’m leaving, they say nasty stuff about it and that’s why I’m just so worked up. The person who replied was in no way polite, they just went and said that because for some reason they were just so mad about the manwha that they couldn’t leave but just HAD to reply. About the gender, that’s just so dumb where this is my stop to this entire ordeal. Like truly that was just... reread it maybe some common sense will kick in at some point. That’s all, seems like the other wild animal won’t stop so I just will lolol. Have a good day though.

    msvirgo July 15, 2021 3:18 am
    literally let them y’all can fucking scroll damn Uniqual

    no need to be rude its not like im cursing at them im just agreeing with this comment but i didnt attack anyone plus im just saying instead of saying bad things abt the author its better to just drop it since its not like we're paying the author we're all reading it illegally but again i didnt even fucking attack the people commenting abt it im just here agreeing with the comment above

    Iatemydoorlastweek July 15, 2021 3:26 am
    Uh oh, someone get some help for this person. Looks like they're so stressed and angry they’re super close to passing out. Lol this is the one and only time I decide to look at this comment section. Well I di... NOIR606

    Now listen, I don’t see why i would be mad as someone as pathetic as you tbh + it’s late so i don’t even have the adrenaline to be mad but wtvr. So i was right after all. You’re mad cause ppl share similar opinions? That’s it? Babe, if this is getting to you just don’t read them… ever thought about that? If you’re too mentally weak or wtvr you wanna call it to tolerate this, then again… it’s a you problem. Also don’t go around calling people pitiful and stupid when you’re literally mad over comments?? Like dyou think we’re gonna stop cause you barked at us?? Nahh lol no one gaf. Ppl are still gonna express how they feel and you’re still gonna cry about it. Nothing’s gonna change. Oh pls don’t even talk about being ill mannered and a hypocrite when you’re literally the hostile one here lmao. Im just giving you back the energy. Well anyways… It’s not like i take this argument seriously anyway so idc really, it’s fun arguing with you.

    hentaimilf July 15, 2021 3:27 am
    One dumb ted talk and another dumb person coming in. I’m sorry I just had to laugh at the part where you said it’s not like anyone is hating on the story nor insulting it when that is EXACTLY what they were... NOIR606

    not everyone has to be comfortable with the ML being someone the MC raised, though? that’s completely understandable el oh el, if ur into that….ok ig, the ppl ive saw under this weren’t agree, they were js how the ML is the one MC raised, like a son, and she sees him as a son, even tho the ML isn’t really a child blah blah he came back in his child body blah blah..and who said i was talking abt my bsf, the one who replied, lol ? i clearly then replied to my comment and said “ by she, i meant “people” i first commented this under the wrong comment and just copy pasted alright…” and dont act dense, u know that if the queen was a man more people would’ve agreed with the people u call “haters” , i do agree that hating on the author is unnecessary and it probably wasn’t their intention to make it seem ..”weird” , but impact > intent , and true lol ur right about the part where they won’t get away with it, but im simply talking about those who said they weren’t comfortable with it and that’s why they stopped reading, even if no one prob gafs why they stopped reading it.

    HSY. July 15, 2021 3:35 am

    damn this is a long ass thread

    AnimeGirl July 15, 2021 3:35 am
    everyone under this thread shutup challenge ! whats with u mangago mfs not being able to handle criticism, its not like they were hating on the story ? its not like they were fucking insulting the story right ?... hentaimilf

    I think it would be better to reread these comments here lmao. I think you didn't get the point. I said it once and I'll say it again. I agree that you can state your opinion but I won't agree if you repeat your comments over and over again (meaning: one person with multiple comments with the same meaning) or still reading this manga but also not liking it (where in this situation there are a lot of cases like that). It's hypocritical move. I agree with the part that you mentioned if the roles were reversed tho, such a shame but it's the truth. Also don't just go around insulting people jesus. And don't put all the people in the same same place cuz in every comment I was polite and explained myself calmly. To the ones who are polite to me i will be too, to the ones that are not welllll things will escalate quickly.

    NOIR606 July 15, 2021 3:51 am
    Now listen, I don’t see why i would be mad as someone as pathetic as you tbh + it’s late so i don’t even have the adrenaline to be mad but wtvr. So i was right after all. You’re mad cause ppl share simi... Iatemydoorlastweek

    Great! Luckily I feel the same way. This is actually really entertaining. I mean, seeing people try to be smart but just end up sounding stupid always is. See, if I barked, then that means you roared “babe”. Maybe it’s a little yap instead since what you say seems to not get far. Having a bad day, hmm? I’m 50% sure you’re sobbing on your bed or couch writing these... remarks thrashing around looking for new ways to sound at least the smallest bit correct. The other half is that you’re just a sad low life having nothing else better to do than going and “expressing” your shitty thoughts. The only one having fume come out of there ears here is you, I’m having the time of my life. You’re coming and saying all these things when guess what... you were the first one to go and shout or should I say express your inner and most stupid thoughts on the original comment. “Babe” if you’re so mad over a manwha, maybe get yourself a psychiatrist? Seems like if no one else gaf like you stated, then you are the only one that does. Hehe, feels nice having someone care about you and your thoughts so much. You see, difference is I just want these stupid comments to limit themselves, since they truly are annoying. While you hold all my words close to your heart and fume over them. I admit I’m being extremely hostile, but you cannot deny you're an ill mannered hypocrite. It’s actually pretty late too where I’m at, so I’m just gonna leave it at that for now and hope that you found at least some decency, and will stop complaining, even 1% less. Now I know to not even think about checking this comment section since it’ll just be filled with repeated words like mine or yours. But it’s fine, the comments don’t make the stories anyways they’re just empty words and thoughts. This was fun while it lasted too, but really, you should make sure not to disservice anyone with your thoughts anymore and have a goodnight~

    Iatemydoorlastweek July 15, 2021 3:51 am
    One dumb ted talk and another dumb person coming in. I’m sorry I just had to laugh at the part where you said it’s not like anyone is hating on the story nor insulting it when that is EXACTLY what they were... NOIR606

    Go reread your replies. I started being rude cause yo dumbass was first so stop acting like your shocked or wtvr, i just gave back the same energy you gave me. Like idk if you’re acting dense or you’re just plain stupid atp. You expressing your discomfort about the ml doesn’t automatically make you a hater you stupid shit. You can be uncomfortable about something within the story but still be interested in it idiot. Calling something out in a story ≠ you hate it. You can’t make constructive criticism? You never had points you disliked in a story? Also literally no one’s angry wtf?? At least i wasn’t.

    NOIR606 July 15, 2021 4:00 am
    Go reread your replies. I started being rude cause yo dumbass was first so stop acting like your shocked or wtvr, i just gave back the same energy you gave me. Like idk if you’re acting dense or you’re just... Iatemydoorlastweek

    Trust me I’m not shocked. I see people like you all the time. You call whatever you said about this constructive criticism? Pffft, let me just let you think about that for a little. Of course I’ve had stories I disliked. But I can promise you this, not once have I went and threw tantrums on the internet sobbing over what I disliked about it. Well, I’m tired anyways and I’ll take you’re word that you weren’t angry. Lets just leave it that no one was then ( even though we all know that isn’t true hehe). Great that you’re still interested in this manwha! Not that I would ever care, but that’s good. Anyways this was my last response as my fingers are getting tired from typing on a big ass I pad.

    hentaimilf July 15, 2021 4:07 am
    I think it would be better to reread these comments here lmao. I think you didn't get the point. I said it once and I'll say it again. I agree that you can state your opinion but I won't agree if you repeat you... AnimeGirl

    true, still reading it while not liking it is indeed weird lol (well they might still read hoping smth would change) , i dropped it bc i had a feeling mc would be with tita which i dont really like (not my only reason but wdc abt that),

    Iatemydoorlastweek July 15, 2021 5:26 am
    Great! Luckily I feel the same way. This is actually really entertaining. I mean, seeing people try to be smart but just end up sounding stupid always is. See, if I barked, then that means you roared “babe”... NOIR606

    Nahh bruv im just bored but nice try you gonna talk ab me being a low life when i bet yo ass is probably in their 20s, annoyed/mad over some comments under some manhwa, defending it like your life depends on it again, mad over what? All I commented under this manhwa was a question asking if tita was gonna end up with the queen and then i babbled a lil. I kinda already knew the answer but i wanted to be sure ab it. Like i got better things to do than be mad over shit like that lmao. I never called you any names nor was i being hostile be4 you were so don’t act dumb. All this time i gave you the same energy you gave me. You literally bought that on yourself. Comments will not hinder your enjoyment for a manhwa unless you let them. So like honestly if it bothers you, just ignore the comments under this manhwa. Gn to you too~