Thanks and I can’t send mail for some reason, but its fine, I don’t really have issues with people seeing what actually happened in my life, I don’t wanna hide it from people who don’t know me irl, also you don’t have to read all this, I’m just glad I got a space to write my feelings...
Basically I didn’t know my boyfriend was some wacko porn addict, he kept trying to bring up gross topics, tried to 'touch' me IN FUCKING SCHOOL!! and even brought his friends to sit behind us and without consent feel around my back and arms, a lot more gross scenarios...
When I confronted him, he literally stopped hanging with me altogether. So that’s why I uhh actively bullied him for it. Now I just feel sad and regretful and keep thinking about my faults here and just can’t stop thinking about it. *insert long sigh*
Anyway ty again :)
So I need a place to live in and a new set of parentsss