bruh prt.2 *lol i didn’t notice i leak my info*

Nini_chan July 14, 2021 8:42 pm

For some reason I think adele isn’t some ordinary orphan, base on her hair changes and when she got terrified on something that triggered her trauma btw i don’t think it’s bc of the bracelet nor the emperor help her to get the strongest magic in the test part.

And tbh it’s not boring, more likely the author choose slow burn it then after that she/him will surprise us with big fcking plot twist

    Hattiert July 19, 2021 8:05 pm

    I agree! I was getting bored with this, but I’ve read so many stories that have lag times here and there and the story was great. Plus I love all the characters. Adele has more depth than we know. It hurts that this precious sweet girl has been thru so much.