I'm brazilian and my brother-in-law is japanese brazilian, so I'm able to explain this. If you are born in brazil you are considered brazilian, it doesnt matter if both of your parents are japanese, you will still be considered brazilian, that is the constitution. There are multiple children that are born from both parents being japanese in Brazil and they decendents also prefer to marry other japanese descendents to preserve the culture, so they keep the japanese blood even though the constitution see them as brazilian. My brother-in-law family only speaks japanese with each other even though they are born and raised in brazil. Btw this law also applies to refugees that started living in Brazil, their children will be considered by the law Brazilian and will have the same rights.
What? How can the ex wife be japanese brazilian if both parents and granparents are pure japanese???? That doesn't make any sense. I feel like the author just doesn't understand how genetic works and wanted to make her "special", a literal miracle.... just why? If she wanted to make her half brazilian have one of her relatives be brazilian, was that so difficult? (۳ º△º)۳