I need a fire bl manhwa that’s completed and doesn’t have rape
Need to find a manhwa
dont mind this
Kiss? No kiss! Kiss? No kiss! Kiss! No kiss! GODAMNIT
Anything like this?
can anyone help me find this?
Help me you guys
Hey I need some advice
Does smbd know where i can read comics for free the website i was reading o...
Can someone recommend mangas with a mature couple. What I am looking for isn't quite romance but rather closer to seinen. Therefore action, something like black lagoon or martial arts/boxing/ fighting like Ashura or Sun-Ken Rock (Since they were a couple). I was wondering if there exist an action man/ga/wha/uha that has a mature couple. Male/female or BL is extremely welcomed.
Ps. If they are bestfriends I will take it and secretly ship them. I love bromance it feeds the soul.