i love this story a lot but i honestly can't take this much stupidity, it hurts. please tell me that dumbass spear dude gets punched in the face (or at least some proper punishment for the stupid shit he keeps pulling), every time he comes in i acTUALLY wANNA tHrOW MY LAPTOP AT A WALL like atleast the other heros have shown hints of being able to think for themselves bUT THAT DUMBASS ugh i can't, i actually hate him, he's one of the stupidest characters i've ever seen before. but the mc and his daughters (they are his daughters, this is not a harem i refuse no) are cute so it relieves my tension, more feather cuddles in firo pls
i love this story a lot but i honestly can't take this much stupidity, it hurts. please tell me that dumbass spear dude gets punched in the face (or at least some proper punishment for the stupid shit he keeps pulling), every time he comes in i acTUALLY wANNA tHrOW MY LAPTOP AT A WALL like atleast the other heros have shown hints of being able to think for themselves bUT THAT DUMBASS ugh i can't, i actually hate him, he's one of the stupidest characters i've ever seen before. but the mc and his daughters (they are his daughters, this is not a harem i refuse no) are cute so it relieves my tension, more feather cuddles in firo pls