Sorry this is a bit late but should you decide to reread... The story was a bit vague but basically the black haired dude is very bad at conveying emotions and opening up and hes also like a super m and gets off with pain and the blonde (? Idk but I imagined him blonde) dude met him when black hairs ex sex friend or bf didn't want to end their relationship and blonde hair kinda came to the rescue and found out about his tendencies and got pretty into it. Shit started going down when blonde started falling for black hair and blonde thought he didn't like him back and so the punishments kept on getting worse blonde never told his feelings but tried to leave hints but black hair was oblivious. so black hair didn't know what was going on but tried to figure it out but since he's bad with ppl and emotions that went no where. Blonde had enough of one sided love pain so he decided to end it cuz he thought black hair wanted him for his body but black hair really loved him and looked for him and finally showed blonde hair his feelings in a way he could understand and tah dah happy ending. Phew that was long. Hope it helped.
Although, I would have preferred that blondie ended it because he didn't want to take the relationship beyond what the black haired dude consented to.
I'm so sorry but I don't get it , anyone explain it to me, pleaseeee..