I love this series, but...

Crystal_Flight September 23, 2016 9:17 pm

I wonder if I'm the only one feeling like the series has hit a wall: the story just doesn't seem like it's going anywhere and has been dragging for quite some time now. How much longer until the author decides that it is time for Souichi to make up his mind about his feelings (and type of) for Tetsuhiro? Don't get me wrong, I love this series (it is likely my favorite one) and I absolutely adore the Morinaga/Souichi couple, but if a series is to continue after its supposed ending, it might as well take advantage of that and give way for character development, which is what I think is severely missing in "Koisuru Boukun".

    Yaoimutt October 4, 2016 1:35 pm

    Mm I disagree with lack of character development. But all we need is a chapter with Mori and Senpai finally becoming official or Senpai admitting his feelings, then we would all be happy lol. I know Takanaga sensei thinks it's too early for senpai to say his feelings officially yet, but even like Id be happy with a silly end chapter in the future where they are officially together lol anything

    Crystal_Flight October 10, 2016 12:50 am
    Mm I disagree with lack of character development. But all we need is a chapter with Mori and Senpai finally becoming official or Senpai admitting his feelings, then we would all be happy lol. I know Takanaga se... Yaoimutt

    I understand your POV. In fact, in the first volumes there was clear character development regarding Souichi, but I think that lately it's just more of the same...
    Oh, I'd also really like to see them together as a couple in the future, too! Maybe then Morinaga wouldn't look like a high schooler anymore :P
    The thing is, if the story really starts moving along, it will end eventually and I will be feeling happy and sad at the same time... One always wishes for more, after all :(

    Crystal_Flight October 10, 2016 1:04 am

    By the way, am I the only one (again :D) that finds it weird and out of place - considering all the "physical contact" and whatnot - that Tetsuhiro just keeps on calling Souichi "Senpai" this and "Senpai" that?
    I know this comes from Japan and all that, but - maybe just because this stems from a Westerner's point of view -, I find it rather unsettling and impersonal :(

    Yaoimutt October 10, 2016 8:05 am
    By the way, am I the only one (again :D) that finds it weird and out of place - considering all the "physical contact" and whatnot - that Tetsuhiro just keeps on calling Souichi "Senpai" this and "Senpai" that?... Crystal_Flight

    Mm idk I see character development. Not so much in their relationship drastically changing its status but they are both trying to understand each other a lot better and change for each other. The last couple of chapters, both Mori and Senpai have tried putting the other first and have tried really changing themselves. Mori has pulled back and is learning to not let everything get to him; he is learning to try and be more confident and trust in Senpai. Senpai is learning to step out of his comfort zone for Mori and is finally getting it through his head that Mori may think and feel differently from him, but his feelings are real and Senpai is being a lot more considerate of Mori's feelings :) you can see this change in Mori in the last couple f chapters- when he gets upset, he doesn't just cry to Senpai, he tries to tell himself he is being irrational and that he needs to trust in Senpais feelings (volume 9 is a good example of this) and All throughout volume 10, Senpai is watching Mori and tries to figure out why he is acting funny and tries his best to think of the best way to comfort him. It may not be as fast foward as the first couple of chapters but I think the latest character development is much much deeper ad important :) they are starting to actually think of each other as partners, and are both trying their best to make their relationship work after their break up in volume 8

    Also YES!! I find it so weird he still calls him Senpai too after EVERYTHING. They live together ad are practically married lol. I guess he has called him senpai for 5 years now so it's just natrual but it would be interesting to see what he will call Senpai after he finishes at the university to follow his career lol (he even calls him senpai during sex XD)

    Ariadne December 8, 2016 1:20 pm
    By the way, am I the only one (again :D) that finds it weird and out of place - considering all the "physical contact" and whatnot - that Tetsuhiro just keeps on calling Souichi "Senpai" this and "Senpai" that?... Crystal_Flight

    Também acho uma formalidade bizarra. Tipo: "Senhor, posso f***** você, senhor?", "Obrigado, senhor". Mas em comportamento o Souichi tem um jeito mais ocidental (ou mais mal educado) de ser que o Morinaga.

    Crystal_Flight December 20, 2016 8:32 am
    Também acho uma formalidade bizarra. Tipo: "Senhor, posso f***** você, senhor?", "Obrigado, senhor". Mas em comportamento o Souichi tem um jeito mais ocidental (ou mais mal educado) de ser que o Morinaga. Ariadne

    Realmente xD Pois, isso é também o que torna o relacionamento deles muito engraçado; o Morinaga é como um cachorrinho, mas o Souichi é um furacão, e um grosseiro xD
    Mesmo assim, sei que esse tipo de títulos é algo normal no Japão, mas nunca consigo habituar-me a eles :D