OK NO HATE BUT JUST... a rant on the problematic topics and things that she manag slaps you with....

Ira.Ilya July 14, 2021 1:05 am

I am not here to hate on this manga as a younger me would have loved it, but dang it makes a lightweight fantasy out of some very very serious things and topics... like she's 14 at the start and later 17, and honestly before the 3 year timeskip I was only thinking of how this was extremely messed up. She loses her parents, is manipulated through out the entire series by multiple people, mainly her grandfather and the oldest butler Rihito, she multiple times almost gets sexually exploited, she has people fight to the death for her, she is put up against her "sibling" to the point where that sibling gouges out her eyes, and well... I could go on and on... as much as I know this is an edgy early-teens fantasy even with those rose colored glasses I couldn't help but be super uncomfortable throughout the entire first part (pre-timeskip)...

Anyone else feeling the same?Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Quack January 10, 2024 12:50 pm

    RIGHT I loved it when I was younger, but now that I'm older I'm seeing how problematic this is