Denzil July 14, 2021 12:47 am

So is she quitting the story since she is receiving so much hate? And why would she try to sue or harass the uploaders? I’m sorry but illegal uploads are literally impossible to stop, everything online gets pirated. If people can’t stop onlyfans leaks, music, movies, etc you definitely not stopping a story no matter who you pay or sue. There is always someone willing to upload or translate manga! Idk why authors go crazy over illegal uploads. Other creators usually get that mad when someone else is claiming their work or not giving credit! Many translators always tell fans to support the author if they are able to and make instagram pages telling fans to check out this or that manga. These people really bring new people from all over the world to support and check out the so many authors works. Some authors be buggin fr. Hope she apologizes and stops being so damn MAD.

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ July 14, 2021 2:38 am

    I'm sorry, I had a legit laugh attack because people usually say "you can't stop movies" but you went with "you can't stop onlyfans leaks" First thing, I'm dying LMFAO

    Denzil July 14, 2021 8:04 pm
    I'm sorry, I had a legit laugh attack because people usually say "you can't stop movies" but you went with "you can't stop onlyfans leaks" First thing, I'm dying LMFAO ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

    LOLOL its cause I read about onlyfans leaks recently. Guys were saying they don’t pay for it they just get leaks instead.