
Jodes711 July 13, 2021 11:51 pm

... does he have that woman the colleague on stand by or something he didnt actually reject her did he? If he is wavering now coz of the age why the hell did he do all that before and make her fall for him. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    Anne-san July 14, 2021 1:17 am

    No, he actually rejected her, but she said she will keep trying to make him fall for her despite his rejection, he understood her because the same occured with Ichika, she flat out rejected him but let him keep saying he loves her until she finally fall out for him; that is what his colleage whants and the're is nothing he can do to stop her, is not like he can punch her, he can only waits until she gaves up or he starts dating Ichika, whatever happens first. The only thing is worrying him now is Ichika's feeling, how she feel about other people judgment aginst them, and how this age gap would affect her in the future, he doesn't want to be selfish, and hurt her because of what other people says about them.

    Jodes711 July 14, 2021 11:46 am
    No, he actually rejected her, but she said she will keep trying to make him fall for her despite his rejection, he understood her because the same occured with Ichika, she flat out rejected him but let him keep... Anne-san

    Oh I see... I thought he didnt actually reject her as she was all 'I know you love someone else but I need to say it' line, which makes him unable to actually say the rejection. The age thing yeah I know he is thinking of her but his worrying now I feel like he should have thought it through before he confessed.

    Anne-san July 15, 2021 3:38 am

    yeah I understand you, but sometimes happens that you fall in love just because, I know it could be foolish to fall at first sigth but sometimes happens, if his colleage doesn't harrass him, he can't even call the police for that, so the only thing he can do is wait untill she gaves up, about why he didn't think before hand about the bad things of dating someone younger is because he is simplemainded, he thought I fall in love, I confess, and we start daiting if she accepts me, but now with a lot of people judging them, he sees everything from others point of view and how this critisism could affect Ichika