I was gone for 3 weeks

Seeyousoon July 13, 2021 10:45 pm

I was gone from home for 3 weeks and my mental health seemed it was getting better now I'm home and I'm just unhappy about how I look how my sister treats me and how my parents treats me like a child when I'm turning 17 in 4 months the house is a mess the kids are out of control and I'm just tired soon as I get home but I was doing so good when I was gone and it feels like its me creating the chaos in the house

    PanickedDoyoung July 13, 2021 11:12 pm

    If you're seventeen, then just hang in there a little longer! You can be free and live independently in an year at most. It may seem stressful and hopeless right now, but things WILL get better. Life has a funny way of working itself out. If you don't give up and keep yourself strong, things will absolutely be fine.

    Surround yourself with people who you enjoy being around. If your parents are strict about you going out of the house, have your friends constantly arrange study dates (both inside and outside the house works). This can help you keep away from your family in most cases.

    If you can't do this, then maybe find some online friends :) I certainly have quite a few that makes things better!

    Good luck and stuck positive :P If you think nobody else is going to care about you, then I'll care. There's always someone who will stick by you. Believe me.

    - 3 - July 13, 2021 11:43 pm

    Bare with it love and stay strong here this might help you with the stress and every (I’ll pray it does) Your the main character in your own life. Live free and happy, if you can’t do it now then for happiness let’s work harder together. Don’t burden yourself with to much stress and don’t let it get to you. There’s always a path in every difficult situation, hope you’ll take care of yourself worrying won’t do us any good. (❁´◡`❁)ノ

    This will show you a world of main character badass

    Seeyousoon July 14, 2021 1:10 am
    Bare with it love and stay strong here this might help you with the stress and every (I’ll pray it does) Your the main character in your own life. Live free and happy, if you can’t do it now then for happin... - 3 -

    I appreciate this

    Seeyousoon July 14, 2021 1:11 am
    If you're seventeen, then just hang in there a little longer! You can be free and live independently in an year at most. It may seem stressful and hopeless right now, but things WILL get better. Life has a funn... PanickedDoyoung

    Thank you