The author even blocked those people who says somethine about too/nk0r and ne/wt0k¡ for what? lmao. She's pointing out the illegal eng trans but not the kor one because she is korean. Seems kinda sus, biased i guess. She said thay she sent a complain about those kor sites but she didnt create a drama like this about those sites. Hypocrite i tjink.
The author of pian pian handled it perfectly without even making a huge issue, why couldn't she do it too? I mean she could've handled it in a way that this wouldn't be a huge issue try searching pianpian on this website and you would have a 0 result. Also n*wt*k* abd t**nk*r is still up there, infact other uploaders / translator go there for raws so why only focus on mangago? For those people saying that the uploader blocked and wouldn't cooperate. Have you read the whole conversation between them? How the uploader chatted nicely and explained how she couldn't take it down immediately and only mangago could? But she still threatened her and wouldn't listen. The one she tweeted was half of their convo and only focused on her Yes the uploader is still wrong for uploading it but the way how she handled this and made it into a bigger issue is also wrong. Try analyzing the whole story and balance each parties faults before judging.
Also before this, she has other issues such as the russian readers and the instagram video editor.