I sure am hope you dont act like shit like this toward real life people who' a victim of sexual assault, you dumb bitch.
The bot literally got raped in the oast, and then said rapist threatened him and blackmailed him. It's fucking rape.
People have shame and think that rape vjctim is dirty. Even the rapist himself humiliating the bot by saying he was dirty.
If your pea fucking nonexistent brain can't even comprehend that, you are a fucking useless heartless motherfucker.
All i can say is poor Chan.....his most trusted people make fun of him behind his back :/
Jiwo doesnt even look that upset about the situation,how is he so calm lol he is worried he will get caught...more than the fact he sleeps with the brother like its a chore he has to do....
He is acting like he isnt cheating on him .... seems like he is trying to understand the brother more than putting and end to this....he is so wrong for letting the brother treat him like that...honestly i dont know how u can save your relationship if u let it get this bad