
CringeAf July 13, 2021 9:57 pm

It was really good while it lasted! Time to find it legally lmao

    Ushi July 14, 2021 10:14 am

    I read somewhere that its free on Lezhin legally
    I dont know if its true but you should check it out!!

    dontcomeclose July 14, 2021 1:20 pm
    I read somewhere that its free on Lezhin legally I dont know if its true but you should check it out!! Ushi

    Yes you can read it for free. When you make an account you collect your free co1ns every mon, wed, fri (no ads or anything) and you can red the daily update. You can make 1 acc for every work you read!

    dontcomeclose July 14, 2021 1:41 pm
    Yes you can read it for free. When you make an account you collect your free co1ns every mon, wed, fri (no ads or anything) and you can red the daily update. You can make 1 acc for every work you read! dontcomeclose

    Sorry i meant the weekly update cos it's up evey wed

    burgeruru July 15, 2021 1:20 am
    Yes you can read it for free. When you make an account you collect your free co1ns every mon, wed, fri (no ads or anything) and you can red the daily update. You can make 1 acc for every work you read! dontcomeclose

    How tf i do that? heeeelp. I get bonus coinsmidk but i cant use it to buy the episodes ☹

    dontcomeclose July 15, 2021 1:57 am
    How tf i do that? heeeelp. I get bonus coinsmidk but i cant use it to buy the episodes ☹ burgeruru

    Oh dont worry. Every day you get bonus C01NS for a specific title, those are useless, you have to collect the ones with the >>>dog holding a box<<<. Those can be used for any title you want. But only on monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every other day you obtain bonus P0INTS that are useless unless you want to buy actual c01ns.
    Also, if you want a mature title like this, you have to open L€zhin in the web browser, otherwise the title won’t appear

    dontcomeclose July 15, 2021 2:00 am
    How tf i do that? heeeelp. I get bonus coinsmidk but i cant use it to buy the episodes ☹ burgeruru

    This is the one you have to redeem on those days. The ones for a specific title will have the cover picture.
    Unless you’re interested in that work it’s worth collecting.


    burgeruru July 15, 2021 4:44 am
    Oh dont worry. Every day you get bonus C01NS for a specific title, those are useless, you have to collect the ones with the >>>dog holding a box<<<. Those can be used for any title you want. B... dontcomeclose

    Aahhh! Thankssss. I’ve been buying coins but my wallet is screaming thank you so much! I didnt know about the exact day we could use the coins. Thanksss