Basically, their former country is corrupted af amd the team is leading an extremely dirty cause without them knowing it, except for Khalid. So he took upon himself to destroy the country. He also took HER head as an exchange to enter the enemy country, meaning that HER body? In his possession somewhere.
Disgusted yet? I mean, he could've try to convince the team that the people they serve is wrong, and maybe he did? Idk but maybe they didn't believe it, but if he try extremely hard to gather solid evidence, they couldn't refute that. But nah. He decided to be the judge. Through the worst means.
I got a feeling author is going to throw some misunderstanding bs for khalid into the story, reel curious as to why he would kill the mc tho? When you kill someone idk if you can call that a misunderstanding. In the event that I'm incorrect, someone spoil me.