Why do the political bitch ass parents not recognize their children’s mistakes yet blame...

Dqip July 13, 2021 8:22 pm

Why do the political bitch ass parents not recognize their children’s mistakes yet blames their death on the mc and the girl… it’s not “if they weren’t born then my children wouldn’t have died” it’s “if my children didn’t bully the shit out of them then they wouldn’t have died” also they’re not even planning on changing and thinks that money will help them escape their death that they deserve (like what u think having ppl protect u cuz ur a politician and have money would save u)… like they should’ve let their children be punished so that the mc’s parents wouldn’t have had to kill themselves or the girl’s parents wouldn’t have given in to greed… also they should’ve taught their kids to not be a bitch but they didn’t and let their kids act like a bitch… also the fact they tried to cover up everything just shows how little they regard other ppl’s lives… basically just saying that the bitch ass parents piss me off cuz they act like they and their children never did anything wrong while shifting all the blame to the mc… they’re the ones who also ignored mc’s warning and didn’t evacuate everyone and the ppl he killed were ppl who were going against him/trying to kill him so like fuck the political parents bitch asses

    Jill July 14, 2021 10:36 am

    True HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAHA theyre just so fucking blind and just downright stupid tbh. Thats why its always so satisfying seeing them die. Like damn imagine having a child bully some kids to the point that theyre incapacitated and then killing the parents of the bullied victim because of their protest and action to receive justice for their child. Like damn they really think the world revolves around them. They really think theyre not at fault its crazy LMAO. Their mentality is basically "were never at fault. were always right. What happens to others is not our fault but theirs because what we do to them is just because it was US who did it". Its so embarassing because to be honest they really do think like that. *sigh* and the thing is its actually dissapointing because these kinds of stories are actually true. The superpower obvipusly isnt real but the situation,scenarios and unjust things in the stories are super true.

    じぇれみ August 23, 2023 2:24 am

    Cuz their parents are also fucking bitches just like these little shits. Matter of fact, all of that country is under their control