
_sadness_ July 13, 2021 12:26 pm

Distributing illegal translations of contents and works are wrong, but leaking private information and promoting harassment is equally wrong. As a consumer of the said illegal translations of the work, I may be called a hypocrite, but I will not stand for someone who will continually promote hate and deration of someone else.

Uploader-nim I hope after this you will be okay and move on, I'm not sure about others but please know that I will wish for your mental health.

    _sadness_ July 13, 2021 12:35 pm

    My end note sounded as if the uploader is crazy, but to clarify: I wished for the recovery of the uploader from the backlash they've received from the author and their 'supporters'.

    _sadness_ July 13, 2021 12:39 pm

    Last side note: I was really looking forward for this manhwa and was considering buying some chapters in the official website, but now seeing as the author is... you know, I think I'll just continue to use illegal websites to read their works and not support them.