This manhwa went through many mistranslations but still managed to captivate me till the e...

RottenElle July 13, 2021 11:35 am

This manhwa went through many mistranslations but still managed to captivate me till the end.

About Khakia x Ino, even though we only had a glimpse of their relationship but they were able to show how different they are from the other characters which makes them special. But I really can't help thinking about Khakia's future. His previous lover was too obsessed with him that he killed his other children, while Ino loved him dearly but can't prioritize him. I wouldn't mind if there would be a story abt him with another person after Ino's death. Maybe someone stronger that'll give him as much love.

    sleepgood.yas July 13, 2021 2:23 pm

    It’s not that Ino didn't prioritize him it’s just he lived a long a painful life. Ino knew he would die someday because he was getting old and wanted to reunite with his family. Khakia understood that. Ion basically promised to love and cherish him while he was still alive.

    RottenElle July 13, 2021 6:50 pm
    It’s not that Ino didn't prioritize him it’s just he lived a long a painful life. Ino knew he would die someday because he was getting old and wanted to reunite with his family. Khakia understood that. Ion ... sleepgood.yas

    Yeah, that's what I mean. I'm not disregarding his painful experience, its just I think if Khakia ever feel lonely after he left because of his long life, Ino could never choose to be by his side because he has his own suffering.
