Okay I just realized this while I was at work. Doesn't The devil treat Yuha like shit? We have been getting a lot of chapters in the devils pov and we have seen the world that the devil wants and that world does not have Yuha. Like, Yuha has put up with so much shit for the devil, and yeah, Yuha is acting creepy about the devil now but maybe that is bc the devil has treated him like shit and let people humiliate Yuha.
I honestly realized that no one in this story really thinks about anyone other than themselves and are constantly using others to gain their happiness, I think yuha will become the new judan and judan prolly won't die (that stubborn bastard), and the devil is odviously only trying to be with yuha when hes lonely or wants to go to the volcano (which yuha wont do) but the devil really loves judan. and this shows alot cause honestly the devil could go to the volcano himself he just wants doesnt want to go cause he either doesnt want to be alone or he love judan more than the volcano.
and even tho I hate jiyul I feel like his true problem is obsession and he keeps on obsessing over the things that are bad for him which turn him into a little bitch that snitches on everyone. I think the only character that doesn't annoy me is mugi but now he's dead so it kills me to read this every time, just hoping the story will change for the good and will no longer be toxic.
Please, for the love of all that is holy in the world, if Yuha doesn't go to the volcano with the devil in the end I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.