Malnourishment often leads to stunted growth in children. Trauma can also stunt your growth via tremendous amounts of stress.
But someone being shorter than average height and having a baby face is considered pedobait apparently-- which, as someone below average height and with a baby face cause of childhood trauma and malnourishment, I take great offense when I see clowns say shit like this/compare what I went through to fucking cartoon characters lol
I was moreso in agreement and explaining in detail how adults can have their growth stunted when they are children through abuse.
It's just a pain in the ass to type on my phone so I was trying to explain as curtly as I could lol I have to fix every other word and then sometimes my keyboard fucks up so after like 1 sentence I don't wanna type anymore.
people saying that the uke looks young and they have an age gap and shit like you obviously havent payed attention the uke fell down the stairs which caused him to lose memory and was unable to grow after the middle school