Maybe it was a little unrealistic, but not too too far off. I'm like him, as well. I sometimes get anxiety nausea, and sometimes I even stress puke. It might vary from person to person. I feel better if I eat (granted, I tend to puke first, eat later, lol), so it's possible everyone has a different way of coping, and what might help someone people won't necessarily help others.
i'm like that too so i relate to him so well. i'll get so nervous my stomach does flips, if it's out of hand instead of puke, i get a panic attack. it's so nice to always see this one, with someone who actually gets nervous like some of us. it's so frustrating actually wanting to do stuff with a partner, but fighting off that nausea that comes with being nervous. it's very complicated adn it's nice to see it portrayed in at least one story
I didn't like how the uke's anxiousness was managed. Like it was something easy to dispel or some sort of fit from the uke. Maybe it's just me, and it wasn't that kinda big deal. But as I get nervous just like him when talking in publii just couldn't like that.