EMERGENCY: Message to all readers

kane-san July 13, 2021 3:33 am

Right, I'd like to nip this in the bud as as possible. This manhwa isn't a love story, there are no Romance tags, It is simply action & DRAMA. So, when there's serious drama, AKA when some scenarios are (obviously) set up (by the creator) to show the real characteristics of a character, don't act overly surprised, angry and animatedly exasperated at the shenanigans some characters pulled You thought were guaranteed in your 'good books'. No one's books are clean here, no even MC's (Shin's). He's a crook, let's set the record straight, albeit not as malicious as most crooks are, because he's shown to have some sort of a moral compass (in disagreeing to kill people, yh the bare minimum) but that's what we're dealing with here. That's the type of setting this manhwa is, and the type of environment that was a created here. So, when i seen a user say "i hope this manhwa and pairing continues to be wholesome and loving..." i had to facepalm. Please leave those types of expectations at the door. It'd be lovely, but looking at it in retrospect is highly unlikely.
Another thing. There has been a tremendous shift in people's attitudes and tolerance levels towards non-consensual sex (aka. r**e) in BL mangas and manhwas in the past few years which is great. Mangas created in the earlier 2010's have uke's always telling the seme to stop in a stern-ish way 9 times out of ten, which isn't the ideal, but we are starting to see that less and less. So, to link this with this MANHWA, I'd like to think that 'tsundere-esque' " please stop it~" isn't going to re-written in here, and in the worst case scenario, if it does and intelligibly appears even more serious and can be clearly marked as r**e, please do not blow your headtops over this LIKE you've been betrayed and say things like "i'm sick and tired of seeing this shit (╬▔皿▔)╯", or even better (sarcastic), "wow, guess who's deciding to let go of their fave manhwa and dropping it for what it is

    UselessShit July 13, 2021 3:35 am

    Well said, this is exactly the story I'm rooting for lol

    kane-san July 13, 2021 3:39 am

    Cont: I know a lot of you read manhwas or come to this manhwa reading site as an escapism from school and all other bullshit, and I'm saying it how it is, but if you've been reading a manhwa you really seem to be enjoying and it suddenly strikes and triggers a negative response from you by something you could be really sensitive about (r*** in this case), then i just don't think you're 100% of any critical thinking and and haven't chosen to read the manhwa in the true element it's been written in. Shin and Jake are the Couple in this relationship. An ideal relationship should be loving and as distant from any negative emotions and abuse as possible. It doesn't have to this one tho.
    So let's all better in our critical thinking a little bit more.

    Fudanshi_bro July 13, 2021 3:40 am

    I really love dark story like these I don't care for the rape part it happens it happens there in New York where crime rate are high (usually because certain group of people which I'm surprised they are in here) plus nothing wrong like fictional rape

    FuckenHippie July 13, 2021 4:05 am

    I really enjoy this story compared to most stuff like this. Sometimes it’s just unbearable to read and feels stereotypical so I end up dropping it. But this feels believable, a story that we can relate to in some way whether it be small or big. And I appreciate that y’all recognize that this is not BL or some other shit and the story/
    drama components in it.