Listen guys, this is a pirating website!! Just like movies, porn site etc etc.
To the ppl, tat r sympathetic and Talking bullshit about the uploader….FUCK OFF & buy it. Ok? HOW R U ON A SITE, READING PIRATED SHIT, AND THEN TALKING SHIT??!! Fuckin children bro
Yeah, okay, I ain't denying that am doing something illegal and am not proud of it and I do buy from legal site but, will like me to name all of the shit you're reading and going to read and is reading. Shut your trap bet you're reading in this piareted site you're speaking of.
Listen guys, this is a pirating website!! Just like movies, porn site etc etc.
To the ppl, tat r sympathetic and Talking bullshit about the uploader….FUCK OFF & buy it. Ok? HOW R U ON A SITE, READING PIRATED SHIT, AND THEN TALKING SHIT??!! Fuckin children bro