He's becoming a beautiful dream...it's weird because he's impulsive but also responsible...sometimes I want him to just appear outside when he's done with his work. Like vacation doesn't exist does it? Another thing i would have at least 5 husbands by now, its obvious her main guys have wanted that for ages now. Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I love how he can work those high heel sexy boots that and his 6 pack always on display, plus he's an exceptional chef, wizard, and lover. Who could ask for more? His fantasies always make me laugh and how strict he can be with work I want to actually see...i often think of what he had to go through to get all of his magical items and books when they were so expensive and how he literally is going through sexual withdrawal while at the same time respecting how Chitra would use him in for sex like others have. I'm with you he's forever in our hearts and boots!(⌒▽⌒)
Tyrex is just a myth at this point I miss him was he an illusion?!?! PUHLEASE TYREX SCREENTIME I BEG YOU