Just a question

shounendicc July 13, 2021 2:02 am

P.S. these are only my thoughts and I am in no way trying to fight/defend anyone because I myself am not sure where I stand in this debate

Isn't murder/stalking also illegal? If so, why can I only see people defending those characters who experience pedophilia and rape? Where is that energy of "it's disgusting and it's illegal, you're sick for liking this" when it comes to fictional books that heavily focus on topics like murder? Because as far as I can see, I only see people "praising" such serial killers/psychotic characters. I'm not trying to fight, I'm really just wondering. I myself do not support the act of rape, pedophilia, murder, etc. I read these types of things because I like reading books/novels/illustrations that dwell on dark concepts. Concepts that are typically not accepted in the world and are considered immoral. However, that does not mean that I support the act in itself.

Would love to hear your thoughts regarding this. But let me reiterate that I am in no way trying to start conflict of any sort. I just wanna have a civil talk with anyone who might be interested in replying :>

    luka July 13, 2021 10:40 pm
    why’re you talking about him like he’s a real person? delusional skelebird

    just say u like little kids and go lol

    luka July 13, 2021 10:44 pm
    people also die everyday, and serial killers like ted bundy are romanticised. look at the number of movies that have come out about him and he even has a Fanclub. dir you don’t go around calling people who ar... skelebird

    don’t care, wrote all of this but i’m not reading it bozo

    skelebird July 13, 2021 10:51 pm
    don’t care, wrote all of this but i’m not reading it bozo luka


    skelebird July 13, 2021 10:53 pm
    just say u like little kids and go lol luka

    ‘i don’t have a good argument bc im a dumb bitch that can’t read and find it easier to call random people pedophiles over yaoi to make myself feel better’

    luka July 13, 2021 11:00 pm
    ‘i don’t have a good argument bc im a dumb bitch that can’t read and find it easier to call random people pedophiles over yaoi to make myself feel better’ skelebird

    nah i just don’t feel bothered to argue w/ someone under a mangago thread! but if you still wanna bitch about it feel free to add my discord at luka#2000 thanks!

    skelebird July 13, 2021 11:02 pm
    don’t care, wrote all of this but i’m not reading it bozo luka

    real boomer moment with your qanon crazy witch hunting lmao, yeah stay delusional. on your deathbed be like ‘heck yeah i saved those children besties <3 itadori thanked me personally’ life achievement unlocked. meanwhile real predators are running around

    this you? https://imgur.com/a/DlmkNYD

    skelebird July 13, 2021 11:04 pm
    nah i just don’t feel bothered to argue w/ someone under a mangago thread! but if you still wanna bitch about it feel free to add my discord at luka#2000 thanks! luka

    no you’re fucking weird, if anything you’re the danger if all it takes is a fucking doujin to turn into a pedophile - like wtf is wrong with you, that’s an indication of the kind of person YOU are if anything ew

    luka July 13, 2021 11:05 pm
    no you’re fucking weird, if anything you’re the danger if all it takes is a fucking doujin to turn into a pedophile - like wtf is wrong with you, that’s an indication of the kind of person YOU are if anyt... skelebird

    what are you even talking about?

    luka July 13, 2021 11:08 pm
    no you’re fucking weird, if anything you’re the danger if all it takes is a fucking doujin to turn into a pedophile - like wtf is wrong with you, that’s an indication of the kind of person YOU are if anyt... skelebird

    no because what was the correlation? all i said was add me on discord if you want to continue this conversation and you call me a pedophile randomly? like i think i missed a couple steps cause i don’t know how you came up with that conclusion, not to mention i’m a minor

    skelebird July 13, 2021 11:14 pm
    what are you even talking about? luka

    you understand killing is obviously wrong so when you read material sexualising it you’re fine bc you know it’s not real and is not an indication of your morals irl. but the fact you can’t do that in this case means that you don’t think it’s inherently wrong since apparently all it takes to be a pedophile is to read a doujin - that it’s apparently an indication of your morals irl. the fact you think this way is dangerous because it implies you don’t have the understanding it’s wrong in the first place if all it takes is a doujin to sway someone’s morals.

    pedophilia is a disorder. trust me, anyone can be a pedo, and it doesn’t mean a doujin or problematic material is an indication of one

    skelebird July 13, 2021 11:17 pm
    no because what was the correlation? all i said was add me on discord if you want to continue this conversation and you call me a pedophile randomly? like i think i missed a couple steps cause i don’t know ho... luka

    if you’re a minor i’d be careful of sharing your discord in online spaces dude, wtf. especially with people you think are pedophiles???? WTF

    you don’t think it’s a bad idea to invite ‘pedophiles’ to talk to online alone? like i don’t agree with your slander but wtf

    luka July 13, 2021 11:33 pm
    you understand killing is obviously wrong so when you read material sexualising it you’re fine bc you know it’s not real and is not an indication of your morals irl. but the fact you can’t do that in this... skelebird

    so i’m a pedophile for pointing out that it’s weird to be turned on by this and say this is hot? yeah ok.. especially when it comes to straight women, always fetishizing and speaking over mlm! do you also think watching “loli porn” is okay because it’s not real and no one would go out and do the same acts? even though the female has the body and mindset of a child? anyone with a working brain would know that a minor and an adult is weird no matter if it’s fictional or not. shameful! anyways why you arguing with a 15 year old about whether it’s okay to read 2 men fucking, one being a minor at that. add my discord tho cause it’s kind of annoying to have to write all of this on a site!!!

    skelebird July 13, 2021 11:50 pm
    so i’m a pedophile for pointing out that it’s weird to be turned on by this and say this is hot? yeah ok.. especially when it comes to straight women, always fetishizing and speaking over mlm! do you also t... luka

    it’s okay to be weirded out by it. that’s called having a squick. what’s not okay is slandering people about it which is what you are doing. you have no idea why people read certain things

    like some are apparently okay with it if it’s confirmed that the Uke is 18+ and just assume that the uke is petite for example and others might say it doesn’t matter bc to them the uke looks like a child due to the size difference. everyone has a different idea of what is acceptable so it’s a never ending argument. which is why it’s just better to don’t read if you don’t like otherwise it just turns into a witch hunt with moving goalposts - it never ends because fiction is malleable and people will interpret it however they like.

    i despise lolishota stuff but im not going to harass people over it or slander because whilst it’s distasteful, there are no real victims. and even if they were pedos id much rather they wanking off to fictional children than real ones. bullying people online does not help victims and just makes the internet a more volatile place and miserable. maybe some people read it because they are victims of csa and it’s their way of coping. it’s not my place to educate because i am not a psychotherapist or anything and as long as no one is hurt - whatever.

    straight women fetishising? sure some might be, but personally i think the benefits outweigh the negatives. firstly it’s no where near as large scale as msm. secondly, this genre allows for good representation and exposure to mlm relationships if people are in a homophobic place/society. and thirdly, not all people who read yaoi are straight women - some might identify with other things, such as identifying as a gay trans male for example. ik every now and then i see topics come up saying ‘i wish i was a boy in yaoi’ and such and it is probably because it’s the first time they’re exploring their own sexuality through fiction. this applies to women as well who are used to always being under the male gaze and portrayed as an object of desire. instead in yaoi it is the man who is the object of desire. even lesbians might relate to the struggles of a mlm relationship idk. also are you mlm? if not, aren’t you speaking over them right now?

    also you contradict yourself you weirdo, telling me off for arguing with a 15 year old asshole then inviting me to talk to your discord? bruh

    shounendicc July 14, 2021 12:21 am
    Yup, I understand the reason why people hate pedo because compared to murder reading pedo is for sexual interest, but reading murder is about horror or bloody interest. Thank you for the enlightenment (づ ̄ �... FluffBall-Sama

    "Some read pedophilia content for sexual interest, while some read murder for the 'horror' and psychological warfare"

    That's actually kinda interesting. I can agree to it to a certain extent. Wow, thank you! I never really realized such things. This makes me understand a little more from both sides of the spectrum. Once again, thank you!

    Kou-chan July 14, 2021 2:58 am
    well, even if yuji doesn’t have the body of a child, he’s still a child. he’s 15 and can’t consent anyways so it’s just wrong nonetheless. whoever likes this is sick tbh luka

    I'm not going to say anymore than this, but the age of consent here in Japan is officially 13 so technically he can give consent already. Excluding the 4th chapter that is.

    luka July 14, 2021 7:51 pm
    I'm not going to say anymore than this, but the age of consent here in Japan is officially 13 so technically he can give consent already. Excluding the 4th chapter that is. Kou-chan

    so because the age of consent is 13 in japan, it makes this morally right? ok

    onie July 14, 2021 9:46 pm

    no. you’re not taking any opinions. you’re defending pedos that’s the whole point of this comment. i was scrolling nd saw a fucking comment ab gojo fucking a “baby” yuji. a BABY. making this is worse enough since yuji’s a minor, but a fucking baby? you need help.

    onie July 14, 2021 9:49 pm
    so because the age of consent is 13 in japan, it makes this morally right? ok luka

    i’ve read the replies regarding your first reply in this comment and damn you can never win. many pedos are gathering up, how can you? they can never make sense when it comes to arguing. your point is so clear, but they can’t even understand it, bc they’re busy trying to find things just to defend that they’re not “pedo”. fucking hate it here.

    onie July 14, 2021 9:51 pm
    it’s okay to be weirded out by it. that’s called having a squick. what’s not okay is slandering people about it which is what you are doing. you have no idea why people read certain thingslike some are ap... skelebird

    using the same words that doesn’t even make sense. defending a pedo, means you support pedophilia, which is disgusting.

    skelebird July 14, 2021 10:09 pm
    using the same words that doesn’t even make sense. defending a pedo, means you support pedophilia, which is disgusting. onie

    lol okay, im muting this convo. yall are weird