I feel like this lou guy is the 3rd prince ya know coz we haven’t seen the 3rd prince. H...

Tanya July 12, 2021 10:16 pm

I feel like this lou guy is the 3rd prince ya know coz we haven’t seen the 3rd prince. He is also sus but he cute. If it turns put he’s the 3rd prince and is also a bad guy dang that’s a bummer

    Hiiro July 12, 2021 10:35 pm

    I feel mixed about it. If he were to be like as good as he seems... then imma be wacked with some second ml syndrome for SURE that is if this is the third Prince but maybe if he was evil I'd feel better about him being the third wheel in the relationship... but if it does turn out to be arsene OMLLL I WILL FLIP A TABLE I mean plot twist much!!. Honestly didn't even consider it until I saw it in the comment and I wa alike OHH SHITTTTT dem some true words spoken der... know what I mean