"Y'know you're only disgusting, because you're so stubborn about feeling miserable about y...

Abel✯lied July 12, 2021 9:31 pm

"Y'know you're only disgusting, because you're so stubborn about feeling miserable about yourself, you young boy who'se been raped three times over one week."
Here's a little list about what exactly I hate about our lovely main character, that dumbfuck:
1. You let a stranger, who was raped and probably has still rapist's semen in his ass, take a bath with your toddler daughter.
2. No emotional comfort for the rape victim next to you?? Your daughter can barely speak, but did a better job as a human being.
3. What's with this savior complex? "Only I would take care of such a stinky guy." Wow! This holier than thou attitude is totally appropriate in front of, and I can't state this enough, a rape victim.
4. If you're gonna be a little bitch about it, don't give him the chance of mutual love. We both know you don't love the dude, you just want to feel better about yourself. Giving him a firm rejection would be the best. Sure, let him live with you, but if you obviously find him disgusting then don't act like you're in love! The poor guy told you he liked you and that's why he hated that you crossed the boundaries between you and you still crossed the fucking boundaries???
5. Told a rape victim to undress and washed him without asking for permission. I don't think I need to comment on that.
Am I taking this super old manga who's foundation lies in making girls who want to watch two men screw too seriously? Yes! Is the dude an arse? Bigger yes!
