Jian Yi disappeared the second day of HIGHSCHOOL. We are in the past before his disappearance. They are literally in middle school.

I don’t really know whether you can understand English or not but let me briefly explain what he said in that chapter: they WERE best friends in middle school but the second day of high school the blonde haired one disappeared and in that specific chapter they met once again AFTER his disappearance…!! I don’t really know where you read that the present events are happening BEFORE his disappearance lmao. Hopefully it’s clear to you now.

Lmfao I can't. I wholeheartedly recommend to reread the story because in the chapters I've posted Xixi is already a college student ;") and Jian Yi has to start highschool on his own.
They are in the middle school.
Seriously I would recommend to reread the story instead of accusing others of lack of reading skills.

The begging chapters of 19 days are the future.
Jian Yi disappeared the second day of highschool. Then he returned after YEARS. Xixi is already in the college and Jian Yi has to start highschool on his own.
The biggest part of the story happens in the past. They are in their last year's of middle school.

I apologise for overreacting and for misunderstanding the whole situation. After rereading half of the available chapters, I remembered that they’re really still in middle school and not in high school like I previously claimed. I’ve been supporting this manhua for almost 3 years and kept waiting for their monthly uploads that I completely wiped out from my mind that little detail. All the characters designs have been changed slightly (they all got beefier in my opinion) so I was firmly convinced that they were older than middle school students.
Why y’all be thinking they’re middle schoolers?? Do they look that young lmao ( ̄∇ ̄")