We all know that. We've been reading but here is the thing;The story started 2 years ago if I'm correct and by that time she was 8-10 years old its only been 2 years If I am correct and the fact is,WHY THE FUCK DID IT START NOW!?And most of us ain't worried bout that, But for meh its the fact that its starting to get boring I mean its taking too long!And I asked a friend and she said dis story ends at chapter 300.....I don't got that patience.At this point I've already forgotten whatever the heck has been happening. Its frustrating to think bout it.I pretty sure for 90 chapters was focused on her Boutique (I think,correct meh if I'm wrong)And other than that I felt that all the rest of the chapters were just random because they had nu more ideas... I JUST DON'T KNOW!!
But ye is just how it is. IG people or specifically me don't got that much t wait for.We saw that panel for the king and priest talkin bout somethin and that was like
1 year ago(If I'm correct)And since then its just been nothin but boring scenes and
Annoying people tryna mess with Lippe and shit and even then its not much to hype about.In all cases I hope dis don't come off as wrong to you. Just saying from my perspective of things.Don't know bout the rest
I understand why some of y'all may think its going nowhere but remember folk songs were banned in her previous life and the church helped the king gained power by doing so therefore she is trying to bring those back so the church and the king lose power giving her less things to concern herself about in the future(ˉ▽ˉ;)...