Okay so uhm

CookieDough July 12, 2021 7:09 pm

Let’s all agree reading bl is a fetish BUT it becomes one when reading it is your entire personality, you force what you read onto gay men, you think “I wanna be a guy and gay and a bottom” bc you think it’s cute, OR WHEN YOU LITERALLY DIE AND GET REBORN INTO A NOVEL AS A GUY SO YOU CAN TURN IT INTO A BL

    CookieDough July 12, 2021 7:10 pm


    sorry , I'm Anti Romantic July 19, 2021 6:54 am

    i was reading this manhwa the other day about these guys who r FRIENDS and someone commented

    "this would better if it had smut "and i got sooo mad cause i was like
    the storyline is good itself, shit doesnt need s3x ?

    Rinsama_ July 18, 2023 7:16 am

    Exactly.. it's so weird and here I thought they'd go with character growth trope. Nope. Just another yaoi fetish..

    Erys September 1, 2023 8:15 pm

    Wait I agree that it’s not a fetish. I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re saying until it goes past a certain point. I like reading bill because it doesn’t have women in it. Specifically pregnancy type one because I’ve read watch too many when it comes to women being in so much pain And it because of how how they treated I feel like there’s a gap because I’m not a guy and I’m into romance stories
    so BL kind of gives me a different understanding, and perspective so that’s why I like it.

    But I do agree when you start pushing it onto real life people and you do not have a proper set boundary between your fantasy what you read and what’s fake and what is real life, human beings, flesh and blood type shit that becomes an issue

    Mkk September 17, 2023 11:29 am

    It is ?

    yppol November 7, 2023 6:29 am
    Wait I agree that it’s not a fetish. I’m pretty sure that’s what you’re saying until it goes past a certain point. I like reading bill because it doesn’t have women in it. Specifically pregnancy typ... Erys

    are you saying you like bl bc u dont want to see women in pain like being mistreated? do u mean u have a different understanding of romance? IDRK WHAT U MEAN BY PREGNANCY BUT OH WELL

    HyouganeMiyagi January 11, 2025 6:11 pm
    i was reading this manhwa the other day about these guys who r FRIENDS and someone commented"this would better if it had smut "and i got sooo mad cause i was like WTF????the storyline is good itself, shit doesn... sorry , I'm Anti Romantic

    Yeah. I mean I've got nothing against those who enjoy BL, whether it be because they can relate to same-sex attraction, they read it as a fetish where they can self-insert themselves and/or just watch men get it on with each other, or they aren't into men at all, but just read it as an extension of shoujo, you know for the dramatic and emotional depiction of relationships (family, friends, romance, etc.) and the flowery, theatrical atmosphere and just ignore the extremely suggestive or explicit scenes.

    But, I am extremely uncomfortable with those who can't seperate BL from rest of their fiction and from real life. I am cool with "fujoshis"/"fudanshis" who only exercise their fetish where they have the consent to do so i.e where the people whether fictional or IRL are established to be gay and this is very essential when it comes to real people, that they must be comfortable and have consented to sexual objectification. But, the weirdos who can't ever turn it off and force their fetish outside of that boundary, onto people who have not consented to it and then, instead of being ashamed of their problematic tendencies and doing something to cure it, they act entitled and complain about people not entertaining their fantasies. You know, the "everything is queerbaiting", the "why are normal people writing normal stories about homosocial bonds between men and not making them fuck" and the "I am pathologically obsessed with celebrities not sleeping with who I want them to and if things are not going the way I want it to, the deep state and the illuminati is behind it and every one to finds me crazy and wants me to see reason is just brainwashed sheep" people.

    HyouganeMiyagi January 11, 2025 6:19 pm

    I've got nothing against those who enjoy BL, whether it be because they can relate to same-sex attraction, they read it as a fetish where they can self-insert themselves and/or just watch men get it on with each other, or they aren't into men at all, but just read it as an extension of shoujo, you know for the dramatic and emotional depiction of relationships (family, friends, romance, etc.) and the flowery, theatrical atmosphere and just ignore the extremely suggestive or explicit scenes.

    But, I am extremely uncomfortable with those who can't seperate BL from rest of their fiction and from real life. I am cool with "fujoshis"/"fudanshis" who only exercise their fetish where they have the consent to do so i.e where the people whether fictional or IRL are established to be gay and this is very essential when it comes to real people, that they must be comfortable and have consented to sexual objectification. But, the weirdos who can't ever turn it off and force their fetish outside of that boundary, onto people who have not consented to it and then, instead of being ashamed of their problematic tendencies and doing something to cure it, they act entitled and complain about people not entertaining their fantasies. You know, the "everything is queerbaiting", the "why are normal people writing normal stories about homosocial bonds between men and not making them fuck" and the "I am pathologically obsessed with celebrities not sleeping with who I want them to and if things are not going the way I want it to, the deep state and the illuminati is behind it and every one to finds me crazy and wants me to see reason is just brainwashed sheep" people.

    People who tell these weirdos to effing get their act together, get help and stop bullying an author to vindicate their twisted interpretation or to stop objectifying people who have not consented to it and sexually harassing them are not being homophobic. They are responsible, well-adjusted people who rightfully creeped out.

    Those exercising BL fantasies where it's inappropriate are not gay activists, they are just ill and need psychological and social intervention. In fact, they are the exact opposite of what a gay rights supporter would be. They fetishize gayness and treat gay people not as humans but as a tool that can execute gay sexual acts for their pleasure. If a man employes a lot of women, not because they were the more deserving candidates or because he was trying to build a diverse workplace, but because he is sexually attracted to women, wants to keep them around so he can entertain himself and let them handle the mundane, the aesthetic and the people oriented jobs and believes that women in the office make it feel the place feel "welcoming" and "friendly", is he also a feminist or just a sexist creep who has no place in society?

    If anyone reading this is inclined to the kind of problematic behaviour being discussed and is about to start arguing back, before you do that, do take a moment to consider how you feel about the still pervasive social ill that we have where many people consider it normal to objectify people of the opposite gender and believe that heterosexual men and women can't be close to each other without being sexually interested. I am sure you would agree with me that even sex workers and porn stars should be treated with dignity and not be sexualized outside of the very narrow context of their work. You understand why it is dangerous and immoral when people you identify with are treated unfairly, harrassed and disrespected, and treated as less than human. But, you believe you should not be judged when you treat the other side that way.

    Think what your opinion would be on a man who treats IRL women and fiction female characters that way you do male ones. I have found BL stories often have male-female friendships involving either the MC or the ML or both that are much more compelling than the romantic relationship between the main characters. That's the thing with non-sexual relationships. Even good ones can often completely outshine the greatest of romantic relationships. So, I understand people getting invested in these well written friendships. But, what if one of the people smitten with this beautiful male-female friendship in a BL was a straight person but one suffering from the same condition as you are, and started whining about "straightbaiting", because they have fetishized the two friends and wants to see them sexually interact with each other, so they are bitching about it on all the forums and sending hate mails to anyone involved with story for turning that friendship into romantic endgame.

    I'll conclude with a funny analogy that should also serve as a TL:DR for the rambling lecture above. If you want to write a fanfiction about two ex-presidents getting it on with each other, go right ahead. But, don't go and write that on the personal life section of their Wikipedias and don't message them personally about it and don't petition their estates and the governments to accept your fanfiction as official history.

    HyouganeMiyagi January 11, 2025 6:37 pm

    Typo correction:

    1) Those exercising BL fantasies where it's inappropriate are not gay activists, they are just ill and need psychological and social intervention. In fact, they are the exact opposite of what a gay rights supporter would be. They fetishize gayness and treat gay people not as humans but as a tool that can execute gay sexual acts for their pleasure. If a man employs a lot of women, not because they were the more deserving candidates or because he was trying to build a diverse workplace, but because he is sexually attracted to women, wants to keep them around so he can entertain himself and let them handle the mundane, the aesthetic and the people oriented jobs and believes that women in the office **make the place** feel "welcoming" and "friendly", is he also a feminist or just a sexist creep who has no place in society?

    2) "So, I understand people getting invested in these well written friendships. But, what if one of the people smitten with this beautiful male-female friendship in a BL was a straight person but one suffering from the same condition as you are, and starts whining about "straightbaiting", because they have fetishized the two friends and want to see them sexually interact with each other, so they are bitching about it on all the forums and sending hate mails to anyone involved with story for **NOT** turning that friendship into romantic endgame. "

    Erys January 14, 2025 7:52 am
    IM CONFUSED SO CAN U CLARIFY A BITare you saying you like bl bc u dont want to see women in pain like being mistreated? do u mean u have a different understanding of romance? IDRK WHAT U MEAN BY PREGNANCY BUT O... yppol

    Was really tired when I wrote that I’m tired right now because it’s almost 3 in the morning but not exactly I was saying that I get it. There’s a boundary between being disgusting and not and I like it because it’s not the same common shit that you get with a male female pairing. I also love Yuri words to girls because it’s not always the same shit though I will say it’s kind of insane sometimes with BL they be doing too much.