Just a thing I thought about while reading some of the comments…

Justarandomperson July 12, 2021 4:45 pm

So from what I've read from the comments, I just couldn't help but feel slightly sad that people feel angry or disappointed at the fact that the male lead only fell for our mc before he turned into a girl.

You can't expect that he would fall in love with mc while she was a he because they're friends. They've been friends for years and years. They're straight too. You can't feel disappointed because they've never stopped to think that way about each other. They've just cared and loved each other in a platonic way after all.

Even if someone had the qualities they look for in a partner, you have to consider their sexuality and who they're attracted to. You can't expect two straight guys who've been friends since childhood to be in love. Of course because they're straight. Heck, even if mc had been a girl from the start, it doesn't mean that they'd see each other in a romantic way.

You can't just get annoyed by "The male lead only fell in love with mc because he turned into a girl" because you can't expect really close straight friends of the same gender to go "ah yes date me because you have all the qualities I look for in a lover despite not being the gender I'm attracted to" because that isn't how it works.

Even if someone has all the qualities you look for in a partner doesn't mean that you immediately love them as a lover. Like, what you look for in a partner can be similar to what you look for in a friend and a little more.

    Ya_Boi_Gandalf July 12, 2021 7:37 pm

    Idk about y'all but if my best friend turned into a super hot guy i still wouldn't fuck her/him. Cuz they would still be straight and it's literally my friend. But that's not the only problem with the ML. He literally didn't want to help his friend, the only reason he proposed was because it was convenient for HIM. Then there's also the problem with the crown prince hating women but still having sex with them. I personally don't get that, how can you hate women but still do it with them. Usually if you hate a gender you don't do it with them cuz yk your not interested. This just comes across as him viewing women as objects. The only reason why he's disappointing is because his love seems so superficial. Crown prince keeps on pushing himself to be with the friend, pushing him into a corner so he can't refuse. He's not even considering the other person's feeling.

    You said that you can't expect the crown prince to like the friend before cuz he straight and they were both male. But literally what about his Best friend? He was a guy, he was/is straight. So far the best friend has only seen the crown prince as a best friend, someone he has to protect, follow, and admire.

    Justarandomperson July 13, 2021 11:33 am
    Idk about y'all but if my best friend turned into a super hot guy i still wouldn't fuck her/him. Cuz they would still be straight and it's literally my friend. But that's not the only problem with the ML. He li... Ya_Boi_Gandalf

    As I’ve said and I quote,

    “they've never stopped to think that way about each other. They've just cared and loved each other in a platonic way after all.”

    I shall correct that quote. It shouldn't have been they never stopped to think of each other that way. It should have been they never saw each other that way in the first place.

    This switch could have enabled mc to start thinking of ml in a romantic way. Since mc's now a girl and they're engaged, she's presumably starting to to see ml in a different light.

    The issue of the ml thinking it’s convenient wasn’t the main point of what I said. Don’t get me wrong, I was slightly annoyed when he said that it could be convenient if he just got married to mc instead of some other noblewoman.

    My main point is that they’ve only treated and saw each other as friends. When they got engaged, they’ve started to do things people who think of each other as more than friends would do. That could and probably would probably trigger something that could start to change their platonic feelings to more romantic feelings.

    It’s only been the 4th chapter. Maybe there’ll be a chapter when she turns back into a guy for a little bit. Maybe in that chapter, it could show that the ml can love mc even as a guy.

    It just makes me kinda sad that some people got angry or disappointed that they didn’t fall in love before he transformed or that it wasn’t yaoi.

    LastMomento November 17, 2023 7:26 am

    I know for a fact that these are the same type of people that are fine with reading the blatant misogyny of omega verse, but would read this (even knowing the historical context of this setting) and see this as somehow worse. Personally, I’m fine with gender bender as a genre. This isn’t my favorite execution of the trope (and there are issues), but it was an semi-enjoyable read!