The plot: A blue haired guy in high school turns out to be a weakling, deficient dragon t...

Jayjay July 18, 2021 6:22 pm

The plot:

A blue haired guy in high school turns out to be a weakling, deficient dragon that secretly ran away from home in the dragon world, coming down to earth and passing for a human teenager in order to search for a powerful long-lost magical pearl, that he believes can help him become like all the other "normal" dragons, by giving him the powers he lacks. The pearl belonged to an ancient, long-dead evil dragon, and the reason this blue deficient dragon wants the pearl is because he needs the pearl's power to be able to survive his oncoming "magical trial", a test that all magic users go through (including dragons). This magic trial is sent by the Will of Heaven (or Nature, or whatever you call it) to gauge the "worthiness" of each and all magic users, including of all dragons and all the other beings (nonhuman and human) who cultivate "qi" ("qi" as in the "magical" energy in all of nature) in order to become stronger. (In this kind of world, all beings with supernatural abilities, aka "magic", are cultivators of qi, by default). These tests are like a natural phenomena that happens on is own, to each and all magic users, every once in a while, especially whenever a magic user has managed to reach a new power level. Because they're natural phenomena that results from the natural development of each being's magic, they happen naturally and are practically unavoidable.

The thing is, the disguised blue dragon (AoAo), who's posing as a high school student, ends up bumping into someone who claims to know him from before: a black western dragon (Ryan), who's ALSO posing as a human and pretending to be another "ordinary" high school student. Though the blue dragon can't remember it, he and the western dragon met once back when both were kids, at that time when the little blue dragon first tried to run away from home in order to search for the pearl (it turns out this is actually the second time AoAo ran away from his home in Heaven, even if he himself isn't aware of it, because someone erased his memories of the first time he ran away, altogether).

To further complicate matters, it is only much later on that the eastern blue dragon (AoAo) and the western dragon (Ryan) learn the fact that they are *ALSO* a pair of reincarnated ill-fated "lovers", who had already met each other in a previous lifetime. Though, ONLY the western dragon (Ryan) is a reincarnation, while the eastern blue dragon (AoAo) is just the resurrected form of his past self (Ao Yue, also known as Xuan Yue) who was resurrected as a baby through a magic ritual, with a new name (the name of "AoAo") and without his past memories. The thing is, the two had met before in that previous life, when both were different people with different names: the blue dragon AoAo used to be Ao Yue (also known as Xuan Yue), who had grown up without knowing he was actually the long lost second dragon prince, the missing younger son of the dragon king, and the long-lost only little brother of the first dragon prince, Ao Gu (who had recently also even managed to secretly locate his long lost brother, already)... whereas the western dragon, Ryan, used to be back then a human demon slayer guy named Xiao Jifeng, who by chance met the long lost second dragon prince, Ao Yue/Xuan Yue, in the human world. Xiao Jifeng became crazy and obsessively inlove with Ao Yue/Xuan Yue, and thus imprisoned him and stole his dragon pearl in order to keep him all to himself, even against Ao Yue/Xuan Yue's will. What they didn't know was that Xiao Jifeng was being influenced/controlled by a demonic entity, the same demonic entity that had been sealed inside Ao Yue/Xuan Yue (by Ao Yue's and Ao Gu's father, the dragon king), when Ao Yue was still a baby, and which had somehow managed to possess Xiao Jifeng, even from still inside Ao Yue/Xuan Yue... Ao Yue/Xuan Yue died, but he was magically resurrected as a baby with a new name ("AoAo") without any of his past memories, while his older brother, the first dragon prince (Ao Gu) found the baby AoAo and adopted him in order to raise him as his little brother once again... Meanwhile, in another part of the world (Europe), Xiao Jifeng was reincarnated as a Western dragon... and that's how our story began.
