It's always Erin

CONNORtheREDBOI July 12, 2021 10:34 am

Man, poor Rin can't catch a break. Other than that, she's constantly brought into the mess regarding Erin. Everyone she meets basically associates themselves with her because she's her reincarnation. Her birth was STAGED by her fucking grandfather. That's fucking sad dude. The knight she's bonded with is probably only there because he thinks she's Erin. The student council only like her because of Erin. The girl can't breathe without getting pulled into something bad or tiring. Poor thing is traumatized and still has a ways to go. I don't blame her if she has an evil arc or some kind of breakdown. Everyone keeps shit from her and they like her because she resembles Erin, it's tiring and honestly makes Erin her whole personality. I get it because she's a reincarnation but like bro, she's a person too :( Ily Rin, hope u enjoy school <333

    izzartsy July 12, 2021 11:00 am

    Exactly!!! I totally agree. It’s so sad to see everyone interact with her simply because she’s the reincarnation of Erin. Like, she’s her own person, but no one else seems to understand that. That’s mostly why I would HATE IT if the knight is actually ML because he doesn’t deserve her love. He only sees her as Erin and not as Rin. Ugh, I even hate writing Rin’s name because IT’S PART OF ERIN’S NAME. Couldn’t the author give the MC a more distinct name from Erin??? Don’t get me wrong, if these people start realizing that Rin is her own person, then I would be extremely happy. BUT, they haven’t so far, and it’s really irritating. I really hope the author made it so that they actually realize that Rin is Rin and no one else. EVEN ERIN HERSELF SAID THAT RIN IS HER OWN PERSON BUT NO ONE ELSE SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND THAT ARGHHHH!!!

    Chibichubss July 12, 2021 12:49 pm

    I think rei (the red head dragon) is the only one who likes her because she's Rin not the famous Erin .... and of course her father !

    nice July 15, 2021 12:47 am
    I think rei (the red head dragon) is the only one who likes her because she's Rin not the famous Erin .... and of course her father ! Chibichubss