This is so depressing and kinda unsatisfactory ending

Xian Yi Xi July 12, 2021 9:23 am

It's not that i don't like the way story ended..... i love it but there's so many thing unsolved. Nothing much changed from how it started except for Lucaon now in love with kyon and caring for kyon.The danger with zero is still there and there's no antidote for the VS solution (Lucaon even gave up on it). Bad guy edwin still alive and Only Ryan end up dying...... FUCK!

I just feel so fucking sad for Ryan somehow. His sister was the people who invented the VS solution that can harm him and other pure blood people and even though he helped her sister on that, his sister later was killed infront of him. Then there's his another sister (i am not sure), lucaon mother who was searching for the antidote for VS solution but then her and her husband (lucaon father) died because of that very VS solution Ryan sister invented. even Ryan end up getting poison by the VS Solution, though we all don't know how he was able to survive that long. And then later he find out that the very person who was behind the supply for VS solution was someone he treat very dearly. And that person even killed the source he could be saved through....... i feel his whole life so freaking sad and depressing. Same goes with christop (???). He end up killing (indirectly) the person he wanted to stay with most. SHIT ! !

Though i still not sure if it was a good idea of Ryan being erased from Christop memories, i can understand...... it was probably for better inorder to not let Christop suffer by guilt of being the reason behind the dead of his precious person But still, since Ryan's no longer in Christop memories, won't it be easy for edwin to control Christop more easily?? Since Ryan was the reason Christop didn't return to edwin...... ah.... i don't know anymore.

Overall, i love the relationship development between lucaon and kyon and also love the relationship between sihan and karis (I love their relationship so much) but The fact that aside from romance, there's no improvement in the story surrounding is so fucking frustrating and unsatisfactory. I just want someone to kill edwin guy for safety prevention and someone to develope antidote so no tragedy occur ever again.

    Scarlett July 16, 2021 12:29 am

    i think christoph deserves to know what happened, especially the whole existence of ryan and their relationship! (/TДT)/ i just feel like other characters really respected ryan’s wishes and i do too, like imagine if that happened to me… i swear i couldn’t live another day knowing the situation! the ending hurts me so bad the more i think about it :(((