somehow agree, but did you ever consider the possibility that it wasn't only the mc who was being bullied so badly? remember that boy who was "forced" to draw to bully the mc? we never saw the back story, but did the mc ever try to ask him if he's okay? no, right? since that boy is part of the pain he feels.
if we only take a step back and see that everyone is suffering too, we may start to realize that the thoughts we have are also the thoughts that other people have, the girl probably never asked our mc if he's doing well or if he's okay because he is part of the pain caused to her.
from how the last chapter is going feeling like girlie is gonna have like a redemption ark or whatever the fuck but idk i cant like her at all. like i get she "tried" to help in secret but it didnt even do anything. and like she really couldve just comforted him afterwards or smth. i get that ppl are weak and were afraid of whatever the fuck his name is cause mfs crazy over here mfing killing his brother (he probably got a better christmas present than him or some shit). but literally no one asked if he was ok afterwards no one treated him to his wounds no one did nothing. he was basically alone and he felt that way too. like she wants to basically tell him to not be selfish. but like why shouldnt he be? and if hes selfish then wtf does that make everyone else? like theyre all using him to their advantage. even girlie over here is too. even if she helping him in a way. they all need him to survive. if he wasnt of any use theyd easily let him die they wouldnt care abt him and i highly doubt the girl would either. like when she started crying i started laughing i really did not care for those pity tears at all like girl if you dont suck those tears back in before i grab a cup and drink them