Why is Junpei angry that she tried to cheat after he did?

Sasunarufan September 18, 2016 5:24 pm

Why is Junpei angry that she tried to cheat after he did? Yes, its understandable that she shouldn't have but most people tend to do that out of anger when the other one did first. And, why is that other guy blaming her too? Does he not realize how psychotic his wife and himself are?? Ughhhhh this is just soooo messed up!!! I need a drink.

    Kaylee September 19, 2016 1:10 am

    I don't think its anger that she did it. Its probably anger that she lied about the night and that he had to find out about it elsewhere.

    Sakuya September 19, 2016 1:50 am

    I thought that they were broken up so it wouldn't count as cheating if ur not in a relationship?

    Sasunarufan September 20, 2016 11:52 pm
    I thought that they were broken up so it wouldn't count as cheating if ur not in a relationship? Sakuya

    I agree with that but some people would probably disagree. If they had broken up, its not cheating. Also, in her mind she already came to the conclusion that their relationship had ended. Then after him apologizing and everything, she went back to him. I don't think she did anything wrong. She almost did but didn't go through with it.

    Sakuya September 21, 2016 5:19 am
    I agree with that but some people would probably disagree. If they had broken up, its not cheating. Also, in her mind she already came to the conclusion that their relationship had ended. Then after him apologi... Sasunarufan

    Totes Agree!!!