Its this creepy or its cute? The show! Lets go!! Step 1. If the dude wasn't hot and had a ...

zeugi July 12, 2021 2:27 am

Its this creepy or its cute? The show! Lets go!!
Step 1. If the dude wasn't hot and had a small dick, would you still like it?
Step 2. In the remote case that the attitude and actions portrayed here changed for the "better" and became an non obsessive (and rapish) love, would the before actions be forgiven?
Step 3. If the stalking and following actions were done to you, would you feel happy for the attention?

If you answered any of this question with a NO TF, state why!! Thank you ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

Pss pss!! Not trying to insult anyone, just wondering about how we are desensitizing about this type of issues through the media teehee(≧∀≦)

    Bennyhana15 July 13, 2021 11:00 am

    I think the target audience for this is for adults who should be able to distinguish fantasy from fiction.

    Although the topics may be problematic especially if minors read this, I see no problem if adults enjoy it so long as they acknowledge that this is fiction and fantasy and not to be replicated in real life (cause it would be creepy af)

    And with your logic of desensitizing, I would argue that horror and action mangas and murder mysteries would desensitize people about violence and murder.

    小松 July 13, 2021 6:23 pm
    I think the target audience for this is for adults who should be able to distinguish fantasy from fiction.Although the topics may be problematic especially if minors read this, I see no problem if adults enjoy ... Bennyhana15

    Ho~~~ nice~~