Actually so fucking tired of the normalization of rape within this genre.

Vin July 11, 2021 11:01 pm

Actually so fucking tired of the normalization of rape within this genre. It’s sick and disgusting. Even when the author isn’t just some pig fetishizing mlm the inexcusable lack of consent makes me physically sick. The amount of “oh i’m not really doing this without your consent cause you’re hard” shit out there drives me nuts because shit like that is why victims feel ashamed and guilty. ITS DISGUSTING. That’s just how your fucking body responds. THATS NOT CONSENT. IS IT THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND??

    berri July 15, 2021 9:26 pm

    mmmmm, well this is porn. Is that hard to understand? Don't like it? Go read some happy go lucky shounen ai

    TheCatsLady July 16, 2021 6:47 am
    mmmmm, well this is porn. Is that hard to understand? Don't like it? Go read some happy go lucky shounen ai berri

    zhongli enthusiast July 16, 2021 10:02 am

    if you dont like, go away! no need to state your thoughts here :D
    you are a light reader, who hates the most common shit that happens in these types of comics, i suggest you read tags and reviews first before walking in on it yourself and then hating it after

    Oyaoyaoya~ July 20, 2021 9:21 am
    mmmmm, well this is porn. Is that hard to understand? Don't like it? Go read some happy go lucky shounen ai berri

    Kittencaboodle July 16, 2023 5:47 am

    Yeah if the rape trope is going to be used it needs to be managed better. These are not “porn” stories as the other replies say, the first tag is romance. It’s not romantic to be raped. It’s not a way to feel good about yourself when your body responds beyond your control to someone who only seeks to use it for their gratification. If a rape is going to be key to the story then give some real angst of awareness for the one doing it or have them be unbalanced and it’s just part of their twisted obsession. And don’t bother with the ‘they made me orgasm and now I love them’ crap. It’s an act of violence against you, so don’t write a stereotypical Yaoi dumbass character. Give us a character who makes their attacker suffer

    gabeeyk November 12, 2023 8:22 pm

    the reply to this post....... I'm scared to be in a community where the fans think rape and sexual assault is okay

    gabeeyk November 12, 2023 8:22 pm
    mmmmm, well this is porn. Is that hard to understand? Don't like it? Go read some happy go lucky shounen ai berri

    i feel sorry for you, I hope you can do therapy or something

    gabeeyk November 12, 2023 8:24 pm
    if you dont like, go away! no need to state your thoughts here :D you are a light reader, who hates the most common shit that happens in these types of comics, i suggest you read tags and reviews first before w... zhongli enthusiast

    you are a terrible human being. rape and other non-con its not a trope its a crime.