I wish we got more thought bubbles from her. One minute she’s shitting herself and then ...

nyanpoop July 11, 2021 8:23 pm

I wish we got more thought bubbles from her. One minute she’s shitting herself and then the next she’s standing confidently against her abusers- at least if there was a thought bubble that said: “compared to those demons father isn’t scary at all” then the character development could progress more smoothly. It feels too sudden as it is. I guess I’m just annoyed at the writing and portrayal.

    Redesia July 11, 2021 8:51 pm

    agreed, I hate seeing her fearful face, it just looks like she shit herself with no thought in her head.

    nyanpoop July 11, 2021 9:03 pm
    agreed, I hate seeing her fearful face, it just looks like she shit herself with no thought in her head. Redesia

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that, last time I complained about her I got shat on instead. But fr we aren’t given enough reason to like her…

    DanteGotSlapByNero July 12, 2021 7:32 am

    finally i have people who understand my frustration. i’ve read a lot of abuse woman story like this but never seen a lead that will be tough with other people on and later on will be trembling with fear or whatever. it feels like she is asking for sympathy with every move she make.

    nyanpoop July 12, 2021 8:07 am
    finally i have people who understand my frustration. i’ve read a lot of abuse woman story like this but never seen a lead that will be tough with other people on and later on will be trembling with fear or wh... DanteGotSlapByNero

    I feel you… The problem with mass produced stories, you get authors who can’t write good characters. And this isn’t even one of those stories where the mc is evil.

    DanteGotSlapByNero July 12, 2021 8:19 am
    I feel you… The problem with mass produced stories, you get authors who can’t write good characters. And this isn’t even one of those stories where the mc is evil. nyanpoop

    and it’s so frustrating on how the people in comment section. being so righteous all of the sudden for defending FL because she was abuse. and i was like I GET IT BECAUSE IM READING IT AND SYMPATHIES WITH HER. and I feel like these people want to rant just because you know

    nyanpoop July 12, 2021 9:06 am
    and it’s so frustrating on how the people in comment section. being so righteous all of the sudden for defending FL because she was abuse. and i was like I GET IT BECAUSE IM READING IT AND SYMPATHIES WITH HER... DanteGotSlapByNero

    The thing that gets me the most is that ITS FICTION, FANTASY. IT DOESNT EXIST.
    The criticism of her character isn’t a criticism of all abused people in the world, it’s a criticism of the writing and therefore the author.

    Aislinn July 13, 2021 11:46 pm

    I see it as how I dealed with my abusers. One moment you absolutely hate yourself and are terrified, the next you put up a cold wall by separating yourself from any emotion or thoughts other than what's needed for your "survival". People who do this have a warped fight or flight response so they can be strong and "fight", in social situations. Take it from me, I did it for many years!

    nyanpoop July 13, 2021 11:58 pm
    I see it as how I dealed with my abusers. One moment you absolutely hate yourself and are terrified, the next you put up a cold wall by separating yourself from any emotion or thoughts other than what's needed ... Aislinn

    I’m sorry you had to go through that. Thats shitty. I hope us complaining about this fictional character didn’t offend you, because we aren’t trying to offend anyone.
    Just that from a a storytelling perspective that character is all over the place.

    Aislinn July 14, 2021 12:12 am
    I’m sorry you had to go through that. Thats shitty. I hope us complaining about this fictional character didn’t offend you, because we aren’t trying to offend anyone. Just that from a a storytelling persp... nyanpoop

    Oh nah, no offense taken. Just offering another point of view :) it makes total sense to me how she can go so quick from one thing to the other. It was always hard to keep the wall so I broke alot of the times I thought no one could see my face. Then when I looked back up I'd be the picture of calm. It's a magic I wish no one ever had to learn
