I wonder…

BJ_MG July 11, 2021 6:46 pm

What if your fated partner is deAd??I have three possibilities that could happen

1 the string won’t be cut and what if you follow your string only to lead you in grave…
2 the string will be cut and now you don’t have fated partner…
3 the string will cut and will connect to another person??

When I read this I thought hara’s fated partner was dead that why it’s not connected until chapter 9?-10…ㅠㅠ

    WoozWorld July 18, 2021 6:19 am

    I think it’ll just be cut. And I’m pretty sure you have to be close/meet the person before it connects. The 2 ppl meet b4 the string was connected in the first book as well!

    BJ MG July 18, 2021 7:22 am

    Ohhhh I get it thanksss :>