why are the updates so slow, the uploader said they'd upload after 3 days from the origina...

amyy July 11, 2021 6:27 pm

why are the updates so slow, the uploader said they'd upload after 3 days from the original upload but it's Been months

    PanCake!!! July 11, 2021 7:06 pm

    At least there’s an update. The uploader has other things to do too you know.

    Calico_S July 11, 2021 7:28 pm

    I agree with @amyy.
    I understand the uploader has other things to do. But we do as well, and if an uploader starts off with a routine it works into our routine. I wasn't upset about the delay, just the repeated upload and petty shade. It's a big waste of time when uploaders fight rather than just team up. If anything, it works better for both because the uploaders and rely on each other to upload in their place to keep on schedule. Also, this other uploader was at least polite enough not to repeat by opening this manga from scratch, then we'd be competing between the same manga but 2 different uploads.
    I think the other realized the routine. Notice it was behind and chipped in a bit to help. Meanwhile, this made the original uploader feel inadequate and insecure. But at the end of the day it's ok to get help. Especially if they are busy or go through hard times. Teamwork...works.
    And I really look forward to these when there are updates.

    amyy July 11, 2021 7:33 pm
    At least there’s an update. The uploader has other things to do too you know. PanCake!!!

    I understand the uploader has other things to do, but they should allow other people to upload if they can't? someone was willing to pick this up but the uploader refused

    Calico_S July 11, 2021 9:44 pm
    I understand the uploader has other things to do, but they should allow other people to upload if they can't? someone was willing to pick this up but the uploader refused amyy

    No that was not what I was saying. I said they should work together. You sad the uploader may have e had other things to do. And I agreed, buy why would it hurt for them to work together? One can't make the upload OK. The other has it's back. There shouldn't be a rivalry especially on a site that well...is this.

    Calico_S July 11, 2021 9:45 pm
    No that was not what I was saying. I said they should work together. You sad the uploader may have e had other things to do. And I agreed, buy why would it hurt for them to work together? One can't make the upl... Calico_S

    Ugh I hate my phone. ...they typos after I edited this 3 times.

    Calico_S July 11, 2021 9:50 pm

    OK! Wait better example something everyone can get.
    There is a manager who wants to do it all, but finds out they can't, due to life and demands of progress. Therefore they need to have a reliableassistant manager. The original uploader would be the manager and the assistant manager should the second uploader.