
somanymango July 11, 2021 6:26 pm

Listen, Letit might have been the hero last time around, but regardless of WHO the villan is, there will always be a villan. You can't take the roles out of a story :(( you just switch them around. Which I thought was cool, I like this Manhwa alot

Also I hope someone snatches Letitty bald someday jfc

    love u July 11, 2021 6:39 pm

    i disagree, there is no such thing as villains & hero's,. Only perspectives. Letio sees the Prince as the "bad guy/villain," whilst it's the opposite for the prince.

    Mel July 11, 2021 7:54 pm

    I mean the only reason they've changed is because the person's perspective has also changed its from another person's pov. We can all be villains in another person's pov. Nobody particularly is evil I'd say becuase we all have a different judgment if so we would all be evil just depends on the story.

    somanymango July 12, 2021 4:55 pm
    i disagree, there is no such thing as villains & hero's,. Only perspectives. Letio sees the Prince as the "bad guy/villain," whilst it's the opposite for the prince. love u

    I mean TRUE. You do make a very good point.

    somanymango July 12, 2021 4:59 pm
    I mean the only reason they've changed is because the person's perspective has also changed its from another person's pov. We can all be villains in another person's pov. Nobody particularly is evil I'd say bec... Mel

    I was thinking more along the lines as, the "villan" from last time around has been given a different opportunity so he isn't having those evil vibes, however the situation is different and Letio is leaning more towards filling that villan role. I believe that the mc had to like work under the villan without her choice and now the 3xact same thing is happening (possibly) to her brother. That's more so what I meant by the role switching.

    It's definitely all by perspective and unfortunately Letio wasn't given the right circumstances this time around that made him a pure of heart lil mans. He's not intentionally being bat shit crazy but still lol.