The monsters have united and formed an army so it's a mess merrier than expected and the few men from the remdragon's knights are believed to be taken hostage by those monsters so more of the knights have to get there to save them and to clean the mess. The problem is Ruth has been taken hostage too so they need a healer which is hard to find rn bc there is a long ass procedure to get one (The situation is urgent so no time for that) and the healer they hired is too old and wouldn't be able to travel through Livadon. Soooooo Maxi is trying to convince Riftan to take her. She already gained the knights' trust bc she was healing them during Ruth's absence & she learned a lot with the new healer they hired. Of course Riftan is against that and would rather die than to take his precious wife to war. Sry for my mistakes I tried my best English isn't my first language ( ̄∇ ̄")
So I already got some spoilers of the novel, but could someone spoil what's happening rn in it if they could?